התנין בגן החיות לאחר התקרית
התנין בגן החיות לאחר התקריתpolice spokesperson

A Nile Crocodile attacked one of its handlers at the Biblical Zoo in Jerusalem on Sunday morning.

A security guard who witnessed the incident shot the crocodile, an act that may have saved the handler's life. Later in the day, the zoo announced that the crocodile had died.

Magen David Adom medics and paramedics provided medical treatment at the scene before the handler was evacuated to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in moderate condition.

The Jerusalem District Police have launched an investigation into the incident, which is currently being classified as a workplace accident.

Nile Crocodiles are the second largest species of crocodile in the world after the Saltwater Crocodile and are an apex predator inhabiting freshwater environments in Africa. They can grow to 20 feet in length.

Nile Crocodiles and Saltwater Crocodiles have the strongest bite force in the world with a confirmed bite force of up to 5,000 PSI (pounds per square inch), strong enough to easily break bone.

Up to 200 people may be killed by Nile Crocodiles in Africa every year, according to National Geographic.

Large crocodiles have been known to easily survive gunshot wounds.