UNRWA building in Gaza
UNRWA building in GazaAbed Rachim Khattif/Flash 90

The IDF Spokesperson's Unit announced that yesterday (Wednesday), with the direction of IDF and ISA intelligence, the IAF conducted a precise strike on terrorists who were operating inside a command and control center embedded within a compound that previously served as the Al Jaouni School in the area of Nuseirat in central Gaza.

Upon receiving reports claiming that local Palestinian UNRWA workers were killed as a result of the strike, the IDF requested that the agency provide details and names of the workers, in order to thoroughly review the claim. To date, no answers have been provided by UNRWA despite repeated requests.

Thus far, a number of Hamas terrorists were confirmed to have been eliminated in the strike, including:

1. Aysar Karadia, a terrorist in Hamas' Military Wing and Internal Security Forces.

2. Muhammad Adnan Abu Zayd, a terrorist in Hamas' Military Wing who was responsible for launching mortars at IDF troops and the State of Israel, previously served as an operative in Hamas’ naval forces, and was simultaneously an UNRWA employee.

3. Bassem Majed Shaheen, the head of a terrorist cell in Hamas' Military Wing who took part in the October 7th Massacre in southern Israel.

4. Amar al-Jadili, a terrorist in Hamas' Military Wing and Internal Security Forces.

5. Akram Saber al-Ghalaydi, a terrorist in Hamas' Military Wing and Internal Security Forces.

6. Muhammad Issa Abu al-Amir, a terrorist in Hamas' Military Wing who took part in the October 7th Massacre in southern Israel.

7. Sharif Salam, a terrorist in Hamas' Military Wing.

8. Yasser Ibrahim Abu Sharar, a terrorist in Hamas' Military Wing and an operative in Hamas' emergency bureau in Nuseirat, who was simultaneously an UNRWA employee.

9. Ayad Matar, a terrorist in Hamas' Military Wing and simultaneously an UNRWA employee.

Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon wrote in response on X, "How surprising is it that the 'UNRWA workers' who were killed yesterday in the IDF attack are in fact NINE terrorists with blood on their hands, and some of them took part in the barbaric massacre on October 7?"

"How long will the UN continue to bury its head in the sand and ignore the fact that Hamas terrorists have taken over UNRWA? These murderers are not aid workers. They are terrorists with blood on their hands and were rightly eliminated," Danon wrote.