IDF soldiers during a training exercise in northern Israel
IDF soldiers during a training exercise in northern IsraelIDF spokesperson

A majority of Israelis believe that the IDF will be victorious in a war on Israel's northern border, a new poll by the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) showed.

The poll, published Tuesday, showed that 65% of Israelis have faith that the IDF can win against Israel's enemies on its northern border - a number which rises to 75% among Israeli Jews.

The poll also showed that 58% of respondents believe that the IDF will win the war against the Hamas terror group in Gaza, and 42% believe that the war's goals in Gaza will be achieved.

The results show a dramatic drop in Israelis' faith in the IDF and how the October 7 massacre, and the failures which led to it, are being investigated and learned from.

Thirty-one percent of the population in general, and 34% of the Jewish population, has "a great deal" or "a very great deal" of faith in the IDF's ability to investigate and learn from the massacre. In contrast, 57% have "low" or "very low" faith in this.

In addition, just 19% of Israelis believe that IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi has the right to make appointments according to his own judgement. Nearly one-third (30%) said that Halevi should only appoint people when absolutely necessary, and one-fourth (25%) said that he should not appoint anyone to any position.

A majority - 57% - said that they are optimistic about Israeli society's ability to heal from the crisis and flourish.