Jack Engelhard
Jack EngelhardCourtesy

As soon as Benjamin Netanyahu, prime minister of Israel, stepped up to the podium at the UN general assembly, more than half the joint emptied out.

They left in a huff, like those high school Mean Girls who shove off when the girl who is not part of their In Crowd tries to join them at their table.

But this is the UN, you say. These are the nations responsible for running the world.

So there you have it…the world being run by an assortment of goons, bums, morons, misfits and antisemites.

Last week the same crowd voted to expel all Jews from Jerusalem…non-binding, but put forth by Israel’s “peace partner,” Mahmoud Abbas.

No wonder Bibi singled him out in disgust. Can we now finally say that the Palestinian Authority is as depraved as Hamas and Hezbollah?

Netanyahu, in his speech, last Friday, did not quite put it that way. He had to be, and was, more measured and diplomatic.

Between the lines, though, he made the point…and his main point being that Israel seeks peace, but will do whatever it takes to defeat its enemies.

Even if it has to do it alone.

So it may be after all, after a glance at those empty seats throughout the auditorium, and a smattering of applause from those who stayed.

The sound of one hand clapping.

To those who stomped out, so self-righteously, you ask yourself, what did Israel ever do to these people? Ninety-nine percent share no border with Israel.

There is no land dispute. So what IS the dispute? I could name 195 countries with the same grudge against Israel, but what is Ireland’s beef, for example?

China is Israel’s third largest trading partner, and frankly I do not know if China’s delegates stayed or left for Bibi.

I am betting they left.

That is a good bet because this is that kind of rotten world…even if they stayed

Who else knew this, in far more refined, sublime language, of course…King David. He knew the score 3,000 years ago.

He had contempt for the nations, and consider this; from his time to our time, nothing has changed.

I can pick up my book of Psalms, turn to any page, and find a passage that refers directly to what is happening at this moment.

In Psalm 2, David says, “The kings of the earth take their stand, and the princes conspire secretly against G-d, and against His anointed…He Who sits in heaven will laugh. The Lord will mock them. He will mock the nations. Then He will speak to them in His anger, and in His fury, He will terrify them.”

Or, in today’s lingo, and headlines…Hello, Hassan Nasrallah. Goodbye Hassan Nasrallah.

David delivers the same message throughout his Psalms, and today, the IDF takes the fight against Hezbollah in anger and fury…and as written, the enemy is terrified.

Many of them have already been eliminated.

Let them hide in their tunnels and bunkers, the Israelis know where they live, and are driving them out in terrible resolve.

The nations have tested and tormented Israel once too often, and payback has arrived for Iran and its proxies.

Netanyahu delivered a fine speech there at the UN. His task was made much more effective with King David at his side.

New York-based bestselling American novelist Jack Engelhard writes regularly for Arutz Sheva.

He wrote the worldwide book-to-movie bestseller “Indecent Proposal.” His novel, “Compulsive,” motivated John W. Cassell to declare “Jack Engelhard is a writer without peer, and the conscience of us all.” Contact here

NOW AVAILABLE: The collection of Jack Engelhard’s op-eds, Writings, here

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Plus, a free sample chapter of his noir gambling thriller, Compulsive, is available from his website, here.