Moving: The haredi rabbi who has slept on the floor and a board since Oct. 7

Families of hostages tour Bnei Brak, learn that Rabbi Yitzhak Koledetski has slept on the floor or on a board since the October 7 massacre. 'How can he sleep comfortably?'

Rabbi Koldetsky's bed
Rabbi Koldetsky's bedCourtesy of the photographer

Rabbanit Leah Koledetski, daughter of Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, on Sunday evening moved the families of hostages held in Gaza, when she showed them how her husband, 70-year-old Rabbi Yitzhak Koledetski, has slept since the October 7, 2023, massacre.

The visit was part of a pre-Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) tour in Bnei Brak, offered to the families of hostages. Rabbanit Koledestki told the families that for a number of months after the October 7 massacre, her husband, a well-known rabbi, slept on the floor in commiseration with the hostages.

She added that towards the end of the winter, her husband contracted a cold from sleeping on the floor, and so he switched to sleeping on a board. She also shared that since October 7, her husband has slept only minimally.

The tour of Bnei Brak was organized by Rabbi David Druk, from the Kissufim organization, and Rabbanit Riki Siton from Ayelet Hashahar. Both came with the families of the hostages to visit the homes of rabbis, as well as yeshivas, for the purpose of raising awareness of the hostages in the haredi sector.

Haredi analyst Israel Cohen, who is supporting the families, told Israel National News - Arutz Sheva about the visit.

"The Rabbanit's heart is always with the hostages' families," he stressed, adding that she has been hosting the families for visits since October 7.

He also said that during his first visit a few weeks after the massacre, she requested that people add in kindness for others, and take on an additional stringencies for Shabbat (Sabbath) observance or not speaking ill of others.

He also noted that the issue of her husband's sleep habits came up as a side point during the conversation. The families left her home inspired and strengthened.

"You can come into the room and see," she told them. "How can he sleep comfortably when we have no idea where and how the hostages are sleeping?"

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