One day after the Harris campaign announced that 33 “Orthodox rabbis” had endorsed her candidacy, more than 50 Orthodox rabbis signed this letter , firmly backing President Trump. The letter states, "As Orthodox rabbis, we believe that Vice President Kamala Harris will continue the dangerous positions of the Biden administration that contributed to the deadly Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthi and Iranian attacks on Israel. Her constant calls for a ceasefire and a two-state solution, and chas v'shalom, the likelihood of her withholding even more weapons from the IDF, presents a significant risk of Pikuach Nefesh, endangering Jewish lives." "As Torah observant Jews, we gratefully have Hakarat Hatov (gratitude) that President Trump pulled out of the JCPOA (Iran nuclear deal) and crippled Iran's economy, cut funding to the terrorist enabling UNRWA, signed into law and enforced the Taylor Force Act, visited and prayed at the Kotel, moved the US embassy to Jerusalem, recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights and established the Abraham Accords. "Therefore, we endorse former President Trump who did more for Israel and the Jewish people during his first term than any other president and pray that Hashem (God, literally ‘the name’) grants him a second term to bring security and prosperity to America, Israel and the entire world." The rabbis signed as individuals and not on behalf of their synagogues or community roles. Rabbi Tuly Weisz, who wrote the pro-Trump letter and organized the petition commented. “I saw Rabbi Yankelowitz’s letter and was immediately appalled. As someone intimately familiar with the American rabbinate, I could easily see that most of the 33 “Orthodox rabbis” are neither Orthodox, nor rabbis,” said Weisz. “Quite a few are woke academics and left wing activists. Many have views that are completely incompatible with Orthodox Judaism. The fact that these are the only ones who would sign an “Orthodox Rabbis for Kamala” letter shows just how little support there is among the Orthodox Jewish community for an extension of the Biden administration.” Author of the best-selling book, “The War Against the Bible,” Rabbi Elie Mischel explained, “Understandably, most rabbis are afraid to make political statements that might anger some of their congregants. But this election is different. If Kamala Harris becomes president instead of Donald Trump, the consequences could be catastrophic: arms embargoes on Israel, devastating sanctions on Israelis opposed to a Palestinian state, and worst of all, more dead Jews. This is not about Republican or Democrat, conservative or liberal. It’s about the safety of Israel. If rabbis can’t find the courage to speak up now as we fight for our very existence, when will they?” Other Orthodox rabbis explained the ir endorsement of President Trump. Rabbi Pesach Lerner, President Emeritus of the Coalition for Jewish Values explained, “Why do Orthodox Rabbis endorse Former President Trump? Simple. He’s good for Israel. He’s good for the US economy. He’s good for family values. He’s good for US energy. He’s good for a strong and safe America. He’s good for American and world stability. The better question is, how could Orthodox Rabbis, and others, not endorse him?” According to Rabbi Yitzchak Adlerstein, Director, “As Iman Ali (8th century) said in hadith 295 of Nahj al-Balagha, my enemy's enemy is my friend. If both the Iranians and Rashida Tlaib, Congress' Anti Semite in Chief, viscerally hate Donald Trump, I know that he is the best choice for Israel. “Virtually all Americans vote for the candidate that they feel best addresses their concerns and priorities, and I am no different. For me, the survival of the Jewish people and the welfare of the State of Israel top my list of concerns. As an actual resident of Israel, I am ripped apart daily by stories of brave soldiers who have died, leaving behind widows and orphans. “I can't forget for an instant that the billions of dollars released to Iran by the Biden-Harris administration- money that Donald Trump had frozen -helped fund the terrorists who killed them.” According to Rabbi Pini Dunner of the Beverly Hills Synagogue, “The primary reason for my choice of presidential candidate is their stance on Israel. In this election there is no choice - Donald Trump has made it clear that he has Israel's back every step of the way, and that's all that matters. Harris is surrounded by Israel-haters and people who make excuses for terrorism. If elected, she will be a disaster for Israel." According to Rabbi Ze'ev Smason, Midwestern Regional Vice President of the Coalition for Jewish Values, “As president, Donald Trump moved the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem and recognized Israeli sovereignty in the Golan Heights. Rather than alienating Arab allies, Donald Trump delivered the momentous peace agreements of the Abraham Accords. Donald Trump also ignored the professional peace processors and appeasers, and focused on stopping Iran. “Kamala Harris sees the world differently. Along with President Biden, she stopped enforcing oil sanctions in a bid for Iran’s goodwill. Since January 2021, this has brought Iran more than $40 billion in extra revenue, emboldening Iran and providing funding for its support of evil proxies such as Hamas and Hezbollah. A Trump administration will be solidly pro-Israel. A Harris administration will reflect most of today’s Democratic Party: hostile to Israel’s government and increasingly hostile to Israel’s security needs, with a sizable wing hostile to Israel’s existence,” concluded Rabbi Smason. "As Jews committed to Torah values, we need American leadership whose priority is the safety, security and prosperity of the United States and its citizens, keeping woke ideology out of our schools, and who has demonstrated a rock-solid commitment to the State of Israel and an exceptionally warm friendship to the Jewish People. Donald Trump is clearly this man!" said Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer of New York. Other prominent Orthodox rabbis also came out in favor of Trump. Rabbi Shmuel Kaminetsky, the famed dean of the Philadelphia Yeshiva, located in the Swing State of Pennsylvania offered a rare blessing for Donald Trump. Two days before Election Day, Rabbi Kaminetsky told Belaaz News, “I’m giving a blessing that President Trump should win the election.” For the first time ever, a former Chief Rabbi endorsed a US presidential candidate. Rabbi David Lau wrote in a letter to President Trump: “Your policies have shown the world that the bond between the Jewish people and their land is not temporary but rather a fundamental enduring part of human history. As a religious leader and former Chief Rabbi of Israel, I particularly value your dedication to religious freedom and interfaith respect.” “Speaking for myself and countless others who recognize your contributions to both the free world and Israel, I sincerely hope you will continue to lead with the same vision and determination that has characterized your previous service. As you approach the upcoming election, you have my blessings for success,” concluded Rabbi Lau.