The IDF yesterday opened the road connecting Nabi Ilyas to Jayyus in Samaria to traffic, after it had been closed for seven months, as reported on Tuesday by Hod Barel on IDF radio . According to security officials, the road was previously used as an escape route for terrorists after attacks on Route 55. Karnei Shomron Council head Yonatan Kuznitz, responded: "I strongly oppose the move and I think that both as a resident and as the head of the council, we deserve full security, even if it means blocking the roads to Palestinian vehicles. I have contacted IDF officials and the regional brigade commander, who are responsible for security in the area, to change the decision back to what it was." Yitzhak, a resident of Karnei Shomron, says that "It is ridiculous that instead of reducing the number of terrorists on the roads – they are opening the checkpoints and giving them more and more access to the main roads that women and children travel on every day. I feel that the security establishment is not interested in our security." Shlomit, a resident of Kedumim, added: "It is inconceivable that during a war they are opening roads between two hostile villages, providing an escape hatch for potential terrorists and directly threatening Route 55. For those who do not know, Route 55 is a main route between east Samaria and the west, and serves tens of thousands of residents every day. This must not happen and we will not accept it." An IDF spokesperson stated that "the decision to open the road was made after an assessment of the situation, and for security reasons only."