63rd Nefesh B’Nefesh chartered Aliyah flight
63rd Nefesh B’Nefesh chartered Aliyah flightShahar Azran
I recently discovered a great review of the recent Jew hunt and pogrom in Amsterdam. Such events are once again becoming fairly commonplace in the exile, the Galut. Hence Israel.

Turns out it wasn’t spontaneous but well planned with Hamas and other predictable connections. See here:

So, here’s my reaction, focusing upon the origins of the Islamist perpetrators, in this case, Turkey and Morocco…
Regarding Turkey, it is the historical perpetrator of genocide against Armenians, Assyrian Christians, and mass slaughterer of Kurds—while additionally outlawing their very language and culture.
There was a time when the Ottoman Turkish Empire gave refuge to Jews fleeing the Spanish Inquisition of Catholic Spain.
Now, Spain is up to its old Jew-hating tricks at demanding the sole, minuscule, resurrected nation of the Jewish People commit virtual suicide for the creation of a 22nd state for Arabs, and second, not first, in the original April 25, 1920 Mandate of Palestine. In 1922, Great Britain gifted Arab nationalism, in one of its numerous morphs, with almost 80% of the original territory via the creation of what would later be renamed Jordan.
Neither Hamas nor the latter day Arafatians in suits of the ilk of Mahmoud Abbas have any intention of accepting a permanent reborn nation of Jews in a region their faith and mindset sees as just “purely Arab patrimony.”
The “moderates” of Fatah/PLO/PA practice “pay to slay,” rewarding murderers of Jews’s families with large monthly payments, largely at American tax payers expense.
So, tell me Spain, Ireland, etc….just who is Israel supposed to negotiate with?
Oh yes, I almost forgot…,
The moderates have repeatedly called all such negotiations or deals with Jews merely a Trojan horse?
Any further elaboration required?
Gaza would have been leveled and flattened if Spain or any other nation had been repeatedly attacked and victimized as Israel has been. They certainly and historically have never gone through great lengths trying to limit casualties among their barbaric butcher enemies’s civilian populations as Israel has done.
Returning to the duplicitous Turks, Ankara renamed its own 23 million Kurds, about 20-25% of the population, and who predate the invading Central Asiatic Turks by millennia, “Mountain Turks” to deny the very existence of this conquered people.
Imagine if Israel had done this to Arabs?
As far as Morocco is concerned, invading Arabs from the Arabian Peninsula in the 7th century and afterwards came into North Africa and slaughtered native Jews, who had fled Judaea during the Roman conquest and who predated Arabs in North Africa, along with their more numerous Amazigh/Kabyle/“Berber” allies in the forced Arabization and Islamization process. To learn lots more about this topic see “Berber Autumn”…
With Morocco as a signature member of the Abraham Accords, perhaps there’s more reason for hope regarding this nation. But the king and his immediate group of supporters do not represent the typical Arab man in the street. Morocco had its share of pogroms too.

Given this history of Turkish and Arab atrocities and violence, it’s absurd that these folks as individuals or as nations get to point fingers at individual Jews or the Jew of the Nations, Israel, while at the same time attacking Jews for the “crime” of defending themselves against enemies who have routinely used their own people as human shields, and then blaming Jews pursuing the beheaders and incinerators of their infants, mass rapists of their women and men alike, kidnappers, and overall butchers of their people as perpetrators of genocide.

Read that above article carefully to see who really should have been brought before the ICC and ICJ for such crimes but received nothing but free passes instead.
Returning to the recent pogrom and Jew hunts in Amsterdam and elsewhere, If native countries can’t protect their own Jews, I’m sure Israel would be happy to show them how…
Let Gentile nations pay Israel to provide protection if they can’t or don’t want to do the job correctly.
I mean, after all, let’s be honest, who among Europe’s Christians really gives a damn about what happens to the “deicide people” anyway?

The outburst of worldwide antisemitism post October 7 is unexplainable otherwise…
It was once upon a time nice for Israel to have a Muslim but non-Arab, non-other Islamist friend in the region. Israelis could visit, etc. Turkey fit the bill.
Those days are gone, however, and Erdogan’s Turkey today is a Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas superpower.
See here for the hypocrisy of both the nation of Turkey’s position towards Israel and individual Turks’s excuses for pogroms against Jews:
“Ankara’s Hypocrisy…The PKK and Hamas: A Tale of Two Terror Camps”:
Given all the above, Jews need to rethink whether they’d rather be victimized in the Galut (in Exile) as perpetual strangers in someone else’s land, or come home to a place where, if they’re victimized, they’re at least amongst their own people with an armed force ready to protect them.