Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is recovering from his prostate surgery that took place last night at Hadassah Ein Kerem, felt well this morning and his condition continued to improve. It was reported that the Prime Minister was moved to an underground hospital unit. The Hadassah medical team treating Netanyahu reported that his condition is normal and satisfactory for someone who just underwent prostate surgery. The surgery to remove the Prime Minister's prostate gland took about two hours and Netanyahu was transferred to the recovery room upon its completion last night. The Prime Minister’s Office said, “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's surgery has concluded successfully and without complications.” Related articles: 'Bring the remaining hostages home now' Netanyahu was not aware of US-Hamas talks Released hostages hold meeting with PM Netanyahu and wife Sara Death and destruction of Gaza - or the hostages released now “The Prime Minister has awakened from the anesthesia, is in good condition and is fully conscious. He has been transferred to the underground, protected recovery unit. He is expected to remain in the hospital for observation in the coming days,” the statement said. “Prime Minister Netanyahu thanks the dedicated medical team: Professor Ofer Gofrit, Professor Mordechai Duvdevani and Dr. Stephane Ledot from Hadassah; and Dr. Ehud Gnessin from Shamir Medical Center.” The statement added that Netanyahu’s personal physician, Dr. Tzvika Berkowitz, closely attended him.