Merav and Shlomi, the parents of returned hostage Agam Berger, delivered remarks at the hospital. Merav opened with the "Shema" -"'Hear oh Israel, G-d is our L-rd, G-d is one,' Agam has returned home. "Thank you to everyone who was by our side and helped us with infinite love to bring our Agam home. Thank you to our dedicated soldiers of the IDF who helped us bring Agam home. Thank you to the decision-makers who outdid themselves in making difficult decisions to help bring our Agam home. Sorry to those who were not mentioned." The mother added: "We wouldn't have been able to get through these 482 without your help. Thank you to my husband and family, we went on an unexpected journey. You Agam, you're my superhero, take the entire world, who will tell you no? Thank you to President Trump for everything, to the Israeli government. We have a special power, we value life with a dedication to bringing everyone home." Shlomi addressed US President Trump in English: "Thank you, for your care and for making us all do the right thing. We will never forget your help, history will never forget your generosity and leadership. G-d bless you and the United States of America."