Why did God save Trump? We know He did because the bullet grazed Trump’s ear instead of killing him. It was so close one can only believe that Hand of God was directly involved. Considering all the incredible things Donald Trump has done for Jews and Israel, one might ask, in a whisper, is Trump the Messiah? The Messiah (called Mashiach in Hebrew) is a Jew, however, specifically a descendant of King David, who will be the future leader of the Jewish people and will usher in a messianic age of peace and justice; essentially, a Jewish king from the Davidic line. For those of us who whispered – is it Trump? It cannot be he. He is not Jewish. He also cannot be Messiah ben Joseph, the statesman who deals with practical issues before the Davidic Messiah, as he , too, is Jewish. But is Trump the one who precedes the Messiah and the Messianic era? I have been told that someone from the line of Esau must do repentance for him before the Messiah can come. The two brothers, Jacob and Esau, are considered the fathers of the two nations – goiim( non-Jews) and leumim(belonging to the nation). Esau, Jacob’s brother, forsake his birthright for a bowl of soup. Their mother, Rebecca, knew that Jacob was meant to be the leader of the Jewish people and helped him to get the blessing from his father that was meant for Esau. Esau continued on a path that led him astray. At the age of 40, Esau married two Canaanite women: Adah, daughter of Elon the Hittite; and Ahalivamah, daughter of Tzivon the Hivite. His wives made his parents miserable, blatantly sacrificing incense to pagan deities. Twenty-three years later, he married a third wife—his first cousin, Basmat, daughter of his uncle Ishmael. Ishmael is also considered the father of Muslims. Muslims believe that Muhammad was the descendant of Ishmael. For these transgressions, repentance must be made. Let’s look at Donald Trump. His father, Fred, donated to many Jewish charities and built the first Synagogue for Jewish refugees in the 1950’s. Donald learned compassion and empathy from his father. And a love for the Jews and Israel. “Let’s bring God back into our lives.” And that love and compassion were shown in his first term as President. Trump, like Presidents before him, said he would move America’s embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to her capital, Jerusalem. Trump followed through. He declared the Golan Heights to be part of Israel –because it is. He instituted the Pompeo Doctrine, stating that Jews living in Judea and Samaria did not violate international law. He established the Abraham Accords bringing Muslim countries into a pact with Israel. Trump also pulled out of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, Iran Nuclear Deal established by Obama. Preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear bomb protected Israel.. He continues to be a stalwart defender of Israel now that he has been returned to the Presidency. After Biden took down the tariffs on Iran and gave her more money, Trump, again, turned off the tap. And now, Trump, who has been on the side of Israel since October 7, has declared war on Hamas. Trump knows good from evil. Right from wrong. He knows that the Jewish people gave the world the ethic of freedom and America’s constitution is firmly rooted in the Hebrew Bible. Protecting Israel is protecting freedom around the world. Quoting Geert Wilders: Trump’s return to the presidency is a positive change for the world, for Europe, and for Israel’s existence. His entire worldview features a central characteristic that’s surely important to my friends in Israel: Trump is the best American president Israel could have hoped for. He’s a great supporter of you and your interests. He believes in Israel, he believes in a Jewish state. Trump has stood up to the UN and UNRWA who were aiding and abetting Hamas under Biden. Trump sent Israel the armaments she needed to fight the barbarians; armaments Biden held back. Trump has surrounded himself with cabinet members who stand with Israel and her legal rights to the land – that includes Judea/Samaria. He has stood up to those who suggest that there is a genocide going on in Gaza. He condones Israel’s response to evil. And when he saw the condition of the hostages recently returned from Gaza he compared them to survivors of the Holocaust. His anger and disgust are palpable. WATCH Trump has been calling for a redo of Gaza, rebuilding it to bring prosperity to all who choose to live there. His grand plans won’t just reshape the Middle East in a way that will bring it peace and justice. He will start to haul the west out of the moral abyss into which it has fallen. Trump is calling for an all-out response from Israel should Hamas not return ALL the hostages on Saturday February 15. WATCH Rabbi Pinchas Winston, an end-of-day expert said: “Trump is a catalyst, the spark that history needs to change direction. The world is volatile, and Trump is lighting a fire.“ Trum p is an anomaly of history.Everyone is thinking in one direction that doesn’t work, so Trump takes the direct approach to the solution that no one else saw. God’s plan frequently relies on exceptional out-of-the-box individuals for good and evil. Haman was out of the box. Conversely, Moses was out of the box. Trump is entirely out of the box.” Trump is a warrior for the Jewish people and the state of Israel. No other non-Jew has stood up for Israel the way Donald Trump defends and protects her. He stands with Israel as she fights two wars; one on the ground against barbarians, and one in the air waves – the war of words, the propaganda war. While most of the world calls for the erasure of Israel by standing with Hamas and those who scream “Palestine will be free from the river to the sea,” Trump declares Israel from the river to the sea and the end of Gaza as we know it. Donald Trump is a true mensch and if God is looking for the one to do repentance for Esau, he could be the man. I leave you with the words of Rabbi Yekutiel Fish who saw Trump’s Gaza plan as part of a bigger picture. “Everyone is focused on Gaza, but that is only one part of the end-of-days agenda, which has the Jews living in Israel’s prophesied borders. The Torah explicitly includes Gaza. What Trump is doing is cleaning out Gaza of all the haters of Israel. They cannot be in Israel after the Messiah comes. After the Messiah, the only people who can be in the Biblical borders of Israel are those who believe He is One and His name is One. This will include Gaza, half of Lebanon, and much of Jordan.” And we see that we are almost there. Syria fell. Lebanon is half gone. Gaza is ripped up. The stage is nearly set for Messiah. But how can the Palestinian Arabs be here when we go to greet the Messiah? The Messiah needs someone to take care of this, and in this case, it is Donald Trump. Trump is merely carrying out the final tasks needed before Messiah is revealed.” And that is why God saved Donald Trump! Diane Weber Bederman is a Chaplain and Author of Bullies of Woke and Their Assault on Mental Health , The #IslamophobiaIndustry: The insidious infiltration of Islam into the West , The Serpent and the Red Thread , Anatomy of FakeNews in the Era of Donald Trump , Back to the Ethic : Reclaiming Western Values She blogs at www.dianebederman.com From the Ethics of the Fathers: “Rabbi Tarfon used to say, it is not incumbent upon you to complete the task, but you are not exempt from undertaking it.”