David Hersch is Chairman of SAIPAC, the South African Israel Public Affairs Committee. Former chairman of the South African Zionist Federation (Cape Council) as well as a former national vice-chairman of the South African Zionist Federation (SAZF). He is also a former member of the South Jewish Board of Deputies (Cape Council). Retired businessman and broadcaster. No more misguided “understanding” nor unwise weak-kneed “respect” for their religion or culture. Islam and Islamic countries must henceforth acclimatise themselves to the civilised world and nothing less. Some have moved in that direction such as the UAE, for example. The absolute nonsense of “Islamophobia” should be thrown out. It is a false, deliberate and calculated invention. Islamists that are not expelled and/or returned to their countries of origin, will obey their new country’s laws. This must be strictly implemented with not an inch given. No forcing of their religion, Sharia law or anything onto their new countries. No more mass gatherings “in prayer” as seen in France and elsewhere as seen just recently in Time Square, New York. This is just marking territory and intended to instil fear. There is an obvious abuse of numbers. Such gatherings will immediately be broken up and people arrested. If they want to gather and pray, do so in their own mosques as other religions do in their churches, synagogues and temples. Whilst talking of their mosques, Imams that preach hate and encourage any form of sedition will immediately be expelled from the country, whether citizens, born there or not! Laws in the West are going to have to be changed. Irrespective of whether someone was born in a particular country, they are going to have to be expelled to their countries of origin together with their parents and families. They must assimilate and behave themselves or be driven out. Tolerating Islamic misbehaviour, threats, rapes, grooming of young women/girls and more cannot be tolerated. Over this last Christmas in London Islamic motorcycle gangs destroyed Christmas decorations and symbols. Absolutely unacceptable and the British police were nowhere to be seen and did nothing. Do I have to remind anyone that Britain is a Christian country and that country’s religion and religions must be respected? This applies to national symbols and statues as well. We now know how the percentages of Islamists in a country work. Take this chart, posted by Lancaweb in 2012, seriously: As long as the Muslim population remains around or under 2% in any given country, they will be for the most part be regarded as a peace-loving minority, and not as a threat to other citizens. At 2% to 5%, they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups, often with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs. From 5% on, they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population. When Muslims approach 10% of the population, they tend to increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions. After reaching 20%, nations can expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings, and the burnings of Christian churches and Jewish synagogues. At 40%, nations experience massacres, chronic terror attacks, and on-going militia warfare. From 60%, nations experience persecution of non-believers of all other religions (including non-conforming Muslims), sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon, and Jizya, the tax placed on infidels. After 80%, expect daily intimidation and violent jihad, some State-run ethnic cleansing, and even some genocide, as these nations drive out the infidels, and move towards being 100% Muslim. This has occurred and in some ways is on-going. 100% will usher in the peace of ‘Dar-es-Salaam’ — the Islamic House of Peace.. Here there’s supposed to be peace, because everybody is a Muslim, the Madrasses are the only schools, and the Koran is the only word. Unfortunately, peace is never achieved, as in these 100% states the most radical Muslims intimidate and spew hatred, and satisfy their blood lust by killing less radical Muslims, for a variety of reasons. Today’s 1.5 billion Muslims make up 22% of the world’s population. But their birth rates dwarf the birth rates of Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, and all other believers. Muslims will exceed 50% of the world’s population by the end of this century. Stop being afraid of these Islamic gangs and bullies. Stand up to them and do not allow them to use or abuse Western culture, norms, ways, values and standards of behaviour. It has taken centuries, wars et al for Western culture to reach where it is and we now see how quickly it can be broken down and destroyed. Noting what is going on, it is clear and easy to see how Rome was sacked and destroyed by the barbarian tribes' invasion and how the world immediately entered the Dark Ages. This very threat now faces Europe. Vice-President JD Vance just gave Europe a serious talking-to which should be heeded. European and especially British police need to be freed to deal with this increasing existential threat. I believe the British police are held back by political considerations by the Labour government as they see the Muslims as potential voters. The Muslims in turn see how the Labour Party can be used to gain control of the country. Thus grasping one’s own interests is short-sighted in the extreme where the Labour Party’s lust for power overrides what is best and good for the country. This is national suicide. Fools and cowards all! We need to decide that Islam must join the civilised world or be severely isolated, oil or no oil. Islam must be cut down to size. Preferably they join modernity properly and civilly or they find themselves confined to their areas. They can trade, but population immigration will be strictly controlled, as it should be. There will be no Islamic funding of universities in the USA, Europe and elsewhere or any influence whatsoever in the appointment of academic staff. Islam’s ambition to eventually take over the world must be thwarted and stopped, whether Sunni or Shi’ite. Democracy and hard-fought democratic values and standards will not be allowed to be abused, used and subversion by organisations such as CAIR and other Islamic fronts will not be allowed and will be outlawed. Sedition, insurrection, agitation and agitprop or destabilisation under any circumstances will not be allowed. It is way beyond enough taking advantage of Western values, standards and civilisation and abusing them. This may sound harsh, but if Western culture and the Judeo-Christian culture and world is to be saved and preserved, we have no choice but to react correctly, strongly and impose new laws with unyielding determination. Note how Islamic countries ruthlessly do not allow such actions from foreigners in their countries. So, logically, apply the same rules to them in the West. Russia and China are ruthless in inhibiting and stopping Islamic actions and influences in their countries, and correctly so. Islam has been taking over Europe, USA and elsewhere by stealth and births. Europe desperately needs new leaders of substance and courage. In the USA, Obama surreptitiously and deliberately imbedded Islam into the country, its universities and its government. Biden continued this and did the same. This has to be urgently reversed and these people, this fifth column, removed immediately. The damage done has been great. President Trump immediately started this process. Amazing, suddenly the university students are behaving themselves! Nothing like discipline and sticking to standards. Britain under Labour has committed national suicide. The current government under Sir Keir Starmer and his Foreign Minister, David Lammy, are a reincarnation of the weak and disastrous Labour government after WWII of Clement Attlee and Ernest Bevin, the effects of which destroyed much of Britain economically and continued for decades. The Britain that now exists, in my opinion, isn’t a patch on the Britain that stood up to Hitler. It has no leaders and the population is weak. Fertile ground for the surreptitious and stealth invasion by Islam. Winston Churchill is spinning in his grave. Nigel Farage appears to be the only leader in Britain with courage, determination and clear insights. It was Tony Blair and Labour that opened the flood gates to Islamic immigration and today the British Capital, London, has an Islamic majority and everything that this brings with it. In humour and a dig, I say that Britain should declare a two-state solution. Give them London, which has a harbour and airport and keep the rest of Britain for the indigenous British. Thankfully Trump is now President of the USA and he will greatly influence Europe and the rest of the world, as he is now doing. The new sheriff in Town has a big job ahead and must be supported fully. To repeat, Islam must be knocked down to size relentlessly and no inch given. Its various terrorist groupings must be destroyed fully wherever they are. This must include the marauding murderous Islamic gangs running up and down Africa. Focus cannot be lost as happened in Afghanistan. No misguided attempts at introducing “democracy” at all. It is imperative that we truly and intelligently understand what we are dealing with. It is ridiculous to try and apply democracy to a people whose culture has no idea what it is and are culturally still medieval and tribal. You know this famous quote and description from Leon Uris’ “The Haj”: “Before I was nine I had learned the basic canon of Arab life. It was me against my brother; me and my brother against our father; my family against my cousins and the clan; the clan against the tribe; the tribe against the world, and all of us against the infidel.” Of course it’s not so simple and one of the weaknesses we have to watch, which is so often and ruthlessly applied by Europe, for example, is greed. Europe has dealt with some of these Islamic countries under the radar, ingratiated themselves and traded in spite of various agreements and resolutions. If America is the world’s policeman, like it or not, they must apply themselves to it. Trump is the right man to apply this and get it started. Let us be grateful that finally the Obama/Biden era is over. The French are not to be trusted either. Britain under Labour is a disaster happening and in waiting. As for Africa, it still cannot get over the malign influences of the Soviet Union. South Africa is a perfect case on point. The South African ANC shared offices in Moscow with the PLO under the USSR and cannot disabuse themselves of their misguided allegiance to the KGB-invented Palestinian Arabs. Whilst the USSR is thankfully no more, there is a mindless siding with Russia, China and many of the world’s rogue states. Just look at BRICS. South Africa’s corrupt ANC government is selling its soul to Iran. The corrupt ANC party that dominates the South African government, only has 40% of the popular vote. In simple terms, 60% of the country does not support its policies and actions. Trump hasn’t wasted any time to get onto this and I sincerely hope he wins. To remind all, during the Cold War we had the so-called “Non-Aligned” countries, which in reality was ridiculous as they were all aligned with the USSR. This movement has basically been reformed into BRICS. A brief suggestion on removing the Gazan Palestinian Arabs from Gaza. No one wants them for logical reasons given their awful and malign history. Wherever they go they present a danger. The Maldives have 1,900 islands. Most of which are uninhabited and the Maldives is Islamic. Move them there and the Islands are small enough not to be able to house large groups. Breaking them up is an obvious thing to do. It is either this or find some remote Pacific island far away from the rest of the world to put them on. All of this above, complicated as it is, has to be set right. The former status quo cannot be allowed to remain. President Trump has definitely thought outside of the box and been creative. Four years of Trump will probably not be enough, but JD Vance, if he succeeds Trump, can and will continue on this line. We live in hope, but nothing stops us applying ourselves and apply ourselves we must. It is urgent!