As Israel again released the most barbaric Palestinian Arab terrorists in the next phase of the hostage deal - including those with the blood of hundreds of Jews on their hands - they were photographed wearing shirts with a Star of David on the front, along with the message, We Will Not Forgive and We Will Not Forget. Absurdly, as the world expressed its outrage over this “torture,” a deeper problem was exposed within our own community. It is that many Jews, and even Israelis, simply do not understand the nature of Islam, or the Middle East, or our Islamonazi enemies. Essentially, Islam, as a culture based on individual honor and Sharia law, suggests that non-Muslims are to be humiliated and subjugated. This ensures that “infidels” will be made to feel inferior to Muslims. One example of this is “Dhimmi” status, a system that forces non-Muslims to live as second-class citizens under Islamic rule. It was far worse for the released jihadists to be humiliated wearing a shirt with a Magen David than dying as martyrs because martyrs are honored in death. The absolute worst thing for them was to be publicly shamed, which is precisely why putting them in the shirts - with its resonant message - was a brilliant move. And the fact that they burned them upon arriving home is further proof that it affected them. Western Ignorance: Fear of “Provoking” Our Enemies Westerners are obsessed with not insulting others, as they constantly worry that a strong message might “provoke” the enemy. Are we worried about hurting the feelings of bestial terrorist murderers? Nevermind that our Sunni and Shiite Islamonazi enemies conspired to commit the October 7th massacre without any provocation. They butchered, raped, burned, and kidnapped our men, women, children, even babies, out of pure, genocidal hatred. No provocation needed. So why is anyone worried that putting a strong message on a T-shirt will somehow make things worse? Next is the ridiculous claim that by doing so, we stoop to “their level.” Absolutely not. Their level? Mass murder, rape, and burning babies alive. Their level? Humiliating our hostages, forcing them to smile for cameras, and handing them “gift bags” to manipulate global perception. Their level? Staging hideous release ceremonies filled with propaganda, including signs calling for the destruction of Israel seen behind the hostages, as the world commends them for releasing our hostages. Putting these murderers in a shirt with a few Hebrew words does not compare to the sheer depravity of the above antics, nor does it “stoop to their level.” Yet too many are still blind to the psychological war that is being waged against us. The Real Issue: Jewish Ignorance of Islam For those who believe in jihad, Islam becomes an ideology of conquest, subjugation, and humiliation. Every Muslim is not the problem. The problem is that an inherent aspect of Islam is its incompatibility with both Jewish and Western values. Throughout history, Islamic movements and leaders pursued jihad as a means of spreading Islamic rule, most often with the goal of establishing a global caliphate, or a unified Islamic government ruled by Sharia law. In this interpretation, jihad is not merely a defensive endeavor, but an obligation to expand Islamic rule and bring all societies under its governance. This involves the subjugation, and often persecution, of non-Muslims through conversion, taxation under dhimmi status (seen throughout history in Islamic empires), or military conquest. While not all Muslims or Islamic scholars advocate this interpretation, many do. Among them are ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and the Muslim Brotherhood, who explicitly promote jihad as a means of achieving global Islamic dominance. Rooted in classical Islamic texts, these interpretations have been used throughout history to justify expansionism. It’s time for Israel - and the Jewish people - to wake up. Hamas, and our Islamo-Nazi enemies in Sunni and Shiite countries, are not an anomaly. This is a direct result of the ideology that fuels our enemies. Just last week, in an online video that went viral, two Australian-Muslim nurses proudly bragged about killing and intending to kill any Jewish/Israeli patients that came to their hospital. Now, Jews should be concerned about being treated by Muslim doctors and nurses anywhere in the world, including in Israel. Until we acknowledge this, we will continue to fight this war with one hand tied behind our backs. The only way to live surrounded by Arab-Muslims (in the Middle East and in the West), is to consistently promote the message of peace through strength. Which is why putting the released terrorists in those T-shirts was the right thing to do. We need more of this, not less, to show our enemies that they will never defeat us. Avi Abelow is the host of the Pulse of Israel daily video/podcast and the CEO of 12Tribe Films Foundation.