There they all were on the night they had been waiting for: the night of Tamar’s first date, arranged by a local matchmaker. With youthful excitement and a healthy dose of nerves, Tamar got dressed and entered the living room. With tears in his eyes, her father saw his little girl become a woman in an instant. He gave his daughter a hug. It was a moment they would never forget. But life can change in an instant. Within days, Tamar went from sharing her excitement with her beloved father to saying goodbye forever. He had suddenly become very ill just a few days after her first date, and quickly passed away, leaving behind a shattered widow & children. Without her father, things were very difficult for Tamar. Dating as an orphan is extremely painful- So many boys didn’t consider even meeting her. Click here to help an orphan get married>>> Now, Tamar is thankfully engaged to a great guy named Shmuel. She works as a secretary, trying to do everything possible to ease things for her widowed mother, but the wedding expenses are enormous and beyond her and her fiance’s means. She is getting married in about a month, and she still has nothing. Click here to help an orphan get married>>> A Wedding Fund is collecting money to help Tamar have a simple wedding, and start a home with the basics, an expense far beyond her capabilities at this time. Click here to help an orphan get married>>>