The nine-month-old baby and the four-year-old boy, his brother, were brutally taken hostage by savages 16 months ago, along with their mom who tried to protect them with her body. Sixteen months on, we are expecting their bodies to be returned to Israel today. To imagine what their husband and father, who was also kept hostage for 15 and a half months, is going through, is nigh impossible. Photo: Collage, Inna Rogatchi There is no need to elaborate on the crime against humanity that occurred - not in the midst of a war, but as a part of premeditated massive terrorist attack. It screams out all by itself. What needs elaboration, though, are the circumstances, the international climate, the atmosphere in which we are living these days. The atmosphere of moral perversity when a terrorist is supported. When murders of babies, young children and mothers are supplied with all kinds of humanitarian aid non-stop, for months and months. When perpetrators of awful crimes against humanity are cheered all over the globe, from London to Sydney. When those supposed moral authorities , such as the head of the largest religious denomination extant, are openly and tirelessly supporting murderers. When small and lazy vanity-dolls, believing firmly that they are leaders, play their very dirty games non-stop, repeatedly siding with terrorists. There is no ‘two-sides to the story’ excuse for baby murders. Period. The moral depravity of the world today - and this in the countries which are largely accepted as civilised ones - is screaming and unparalleled. -Why didn't the Allies supply Dr Mengele and all that bunch of Nazi murderers with non-stop humanitarian aid? -Why did not whatever court of whatever justice issue an arrest order for Sir Winston Churchill at the time? Because it would have been a mockery of common sense and mockery of the victims. That's why. Not today, though. The relativity of good, bad and acceptable has crossed all borders in the society in which we are living today, and has encouraged hideous crimes such as the murder of the Bibas family. This is true for the many other crimes against humanity committed by the masked humanoids, largely and widely supported by crowds all over the world, with all this tolerated by so many governments . What has happened is that crimes against humanity are committed freely, and paid for by the tons of humanitarian aid, whle scores of murderers are released from Israeli prisons in a time of widely and largely tolerated barbarity. Tolerated not by a bunch of wild marginals, but on the state- and international levels of the civilised world. This is unprecedented. The climate of this criminal tolerance is made by people. By their decisions, their positions, their actions. Or non-actions. The tragedy of the Bibas family, those innocent charming red-heads, will be remembered by many people, both in Israel and world-wide. It is impossible for it to be otherwise. Because whatever the cancer of moral relativity projects, human reactions are still the same, so far. The tragedy of the murdered baby, his 5-year-old brother, their mom, and that poor surviving father, the whole Bibas family, set a watershed to the limits of tolerance for terrorists, murderers, and the low-lives who support them with all that joy on the streets. But there is more in this screaming crime of aloof human cowardice of all those in whose power it was to call things by name and not to shame the name of humanity by their despicable ineptness - that is, the leaders of the free world. Free from what? Today, thinking about three murdered Bibases, a baby, a child, and mother, one can think that our world today is free from decency at the will of the decision-makers. As simple as that. It is simply impossible to hear those repeated mumbings of ‘never again’ by those who are mumbling it because of only one reason, their being in some office. Just stop it, for once. I am terrified to think of what Elie Wiesel and people like him would think and feel today. There are no Churchills around in Europe or Australia, for that matter. There is an enlarging moral and human void which is widening in front of our shocked and unbelieving eyes. I hope that the current victory of darkness on the earth will be a Pyrrhic and short-lived one.