The Western Wall of the ancient Jewish Temple area in Jerusalem. Credit: Courtesy of the G. Eric and Edith Matson Photograph Collection and the Library of Congress.
(JNS) What kind of a liberation movement purposely, with malice aforethought, murders a 9-month-old infant, a 4-year-old toddler and their terrorized mother?
What kind of world praises Hamas’s atrocities? How “civilized” can people in the civilized West be if, in response to the Hamas-led terrorist attacks on Oct. 7, 2023, they continue to support the rape, torture, murder and kidnapping of civilians from southern Israel?
Or, just hours after Hamas announced that it would be returning the corpses of the Bibas children and their mother, respond by violently attacking Orthodox Jews in Borough Park, a heavily Jewish community in Brooklyn, N.Y., the very neighborhood in which I grew up?
No matter what our individual views may be, and whether or not we are religious, Jews are indigenous to the Holy Land. We were there long before anyone else ever visited or occupied us. There were always Jews there. Now, we are a sovereign nation in the Holy Land once again. Yet even throughout our many exiles, culture, prayers, rituals, ethics and memories were centered upon, or radiated out from, the Holy Land. The language of our prayers and holy books was first Aramaic, then Hebrew; these languages have existed and been utilized for nearly 6,000 years.
However, if you search online for “the indigenous nature of Jews,” you will read this: “The Jewish people have a very ancient history in the land known both as Palestine and the Land of Israel.” Known as Palestine? From when? By whom? By those who wish to exterminate the Jewish presence in Israel, just as they have done in every single Arab and Muslim country in the world? By AI? Wikipedia? Or by the left-wing billionaires in the West who are joined by the deep pockets of Iran and Qatar, and, in the past, Egypt and Saudi Arabia?
What more can I say that hasn’t already been said many times over? I am weary of telling the truth only to be met with the most ferocious lies. I sent a fact-based study to a radical feminist in Australia about how Israel has not starved or genocidally exterminated civilians in Gaza, and she responded with a piece of Hamas propaganda to refute “my” truth.
Since Oct. 7, a close friend of mine in London—a woman who is not Jewish but has been standing for both the truth and the Jews—has been suffering the loss of former colleagues. She tells me about Arab, Muslim and Southeast Asian women who have turned on her and now cut her off. I listen as patiently as I can to yet another astonished survivor of Jew-hatred and cancel culture.
Me? I’m long used to this. These cowards and conformists will never break my spirit. However, I have not yet met the challenge of how to deprogram those suffering from mass psychosis, hysterical paranoia or a belief in inverted truths.
All I can write, again and again, is this: Whenever Hamas and its supporters accuse Israel of some crime, it must be taken as Hamas’s own confession. The genocidal maniacs are the Islamist terrorists, not the Israel Defense Forces. The practicing of gender and religious apartheid is not characteristic of Israelis, but it does describe Arab and Muslim culture, both historically and in our times.
Many of us have said all this over and over again. Now, more people in the West are beginning to understand it as well.
I do not believe a word Hamas says. Maybe the corpses to be returned tomorrow are not those of the Bibas family. I will only believe it after proper Israeli forensic examinations confirm it. One way or the other, as Seth Mandel has written in Commentary magazine, with this family’s murder, a line has been crossed that can never be uncrossed.
I would add that the world’s continued reaction to the murder of Jews can never be forgotten either. We must draw all the necessary conclusions.
The Orthodox Jews in Borough Park fought back. The Israel Defense Forces fight back. We wordsmiths are fighting back.
None of the pogroms we’re seeing against the Jews are spontaneous. Most are well-funded and well-organized uprisings meant to further terrorize grieving and vulnerable Jewish communities. The vicious verbal attacks, tearing down of hostage posters, smirks and curses of those who do so, jeering and menacing mobs, such as the masked and armed Hamas warriors who mocked and mobbed the three skeletal Israelis as they were being returned to Israel, and the encampments on college campuses—all are meant to traumatize and retraumatize our people in the hope that we will give up, quit, resign and disappear. Not just from the Holy Land but from life itself.
This has never succeeded before, and it will not succeed now.