* Translated by Yehoshua Siskin Hamas took our dear brothers and sisters captive, and now Hamas is trying to take our minds captive as well. We are experiencing extreme emotions at both ends of the spectrum: Extreme sadness at the return of those who were murdered, whom we have come to know almost personally and anger at the lie about the coffin that did not bring back Shiri Babas Hy"d. And extreme joy as we welcome those who remain alive, whom we have also come to know in a personal way. And this scenario is being staged by a terrorist organization of Islamo-Nazis that is torturing all of us until the last second. These miscreants are also pleased to cause conflict among us, so that we forget who is the true enemy of us all. Don't. I was privileged to get to know Shelly Shem Tov several days after her son Omer was taken captive. We met at a large prayer gathering that took place at the Western Wall. Since then, on many occasions, on Shabbatot and on holidays, and when she was interviewed, I saw something astonishing: She refused to allow Hamas to take her mind captive. She spoke only about unity and prayer, about our roots, about spiritual strength. Again and again she returned to stories about Omer, who keeps Shabbat even in captivity, and she continually rebuked those who would weaken her stance. She asked only that we give her and Omer the strength to persist. Let’s try to go the way of Shelly Shem Tov as we replace the lying propaganda of our enemy with clear words of truth that we read in last week’s Torah portion, words spoken at Mount Sinai that continue to reverberate for us, reminding us of who we are: “And now if you will obey My voice and keep My covenant, you shall be My unique treasure from among all peoples... and you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.” Gathered together at Mount Sinai, the nation of Israel heard about its special status for the first time. Evil will disappear and good will triumph, a goal eminently suitable for God’s treasured people. Shabbat shalom!