Ilan and Efrat Turgeman
Ilan and Efrat TurgemanCourtesy of the family

After enduring fifteen years of infertility and fourteen failed IVF cycles, a Jerusalem couple has established an organization to help others access the treatment that finally allowed them to become parents.

Ilan and Efrat Turgeman have founded "Creating Life" to assist other couples who have exhausted conventional fertility treatments. The organization focuses specifically on funding egg donation procedures, which cost approximately 45,000 NIS ($13,000) per attempt and are not covered by Israeli health insurance.

"We know the pain of waiting month after month, year after year," says Efrat Turgeman, now mother to two young daughters. "When doctors suggested egg donation as our final option, we were fortunate enough to afford it. Many couples don't have that privilege."

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The organization, operating under the supervision of Machon Puah and Rabbi Moshe Amar, has identified 22 couples married for over a decade who qualify for assistance. Each couple has attempted multiple rounds of conventional fertility treatments without success.

Creating Life represents the first organization in Israel specifically focused on funding egg donation procedures for Israeli couples. The initiative aims to raise enough funds to help all 22 identified couples undergo the treatment.

"Every successful procedure means another Jewish child in the world, another family made whole," says Efrat. "We've experienced that joy firsthand, and we want to help others experience it too."

For more information about Creating Life or to contribute, please click here.