The title of this piece is a metaphor for the crafting of a discussion of our mindset as Jews living, as we always have, as a minority in a non-Jewish world. The term “” is a reference to the philosophical interpretation of humanity and its essence created by 20th century philosopher Martin Heidegger, who authored “Being in Time,” arguably the most influential philosophical work of the 20th century. “Being in” is a starting point for a dialectic understanding of how “being a Jew in the world,” is unlike being any other non-Jewish entity. While in modern times, most have embraced the ideals of “liberalism” which created the premise that “all men are created equal,” it remains readily apparent that the historical treatment of the Jewish People and the Nation of Israel does not follow this noble premise. It is such an anomaly that it should cause despair for all who chose to objectively assess the historical and political reality of being a Jew in the world. A summary look at the history of Jews living, as is often the case, in non-Jewish lands and cultures, shows that Jews have been cast as a pariah people and have been treated differently than other groups in society. In considering the possible reasons for this unique treatment and status, one could cite differences in religion, cultural norms, unwillingness to assimilate, or Jewish involvement as financiers during different periods in Europe, but even with these variables, the estrangement and hatred of the Jews appears to be extreme and unique. One could easily argue that antisemitism has been elevated to a “religious” belief, in both the Christian and Islamic world, let alone the Progressive cult. While we are truly challenged in trying to understand modern Jewish reality, historiological interpretation would offer that Jews are defined by the “non-Jewish world,” by our treatment by the non-Jews of the world, who treat Jews and therefore Israel as a “pariah nation.” The majority of Jews, who have embraced the “liberal ideal” with some hope that its tenets will apply to us as they have for Blacks, Gays, Asians, etc., remain in denial, waiting for an edict from G-d or a Messiah, that will bring liberal equality to us as well. Is the problem with the “liberal ideal,” does it lie with the Jew or with the non-Jewish world? I might argue that the problem lies with all three, but it would be impossible in a short abstract to do this discussion proper service. For now, let’s focus on the matter of being a Jew in the world. It is discomforting to think that we come into the world pre-judged and predestined to be subjected to historical hate, distrust and lack of understanding. While liberalism has replaced tribalism and kinsmanship for most, the Jew is viewed through the preview of the more primitive model. Throughout the past few centuries, Jews deluded themselves into believing that it was their failure to assimilate into the dominant culture was the cause of antisemitism. However, our history has shown that even intermarrying and closeting our own Jewish identities has done little to change our reality. From a broad societal perspective, antisemitism is a salient factor in the treatment of Israel by the global community. The dark cloud of antisemitism follows the Jewish nation, at times smothering it, making it incapable of choosing self-directing policies that suit it own interests. A simple look at the media coverage of Israel since the terror attacks it faced on 10/07/2023, should force us to question why a nation that is attacked in such a brutal manner, with women and children murdered in cold blood, women gang raped and slaughtered, should not be permitted to extract revenge and remove the existential threat by any means necessary? Conversely Israel is judged, by nations, many with historical ties to antisemitism as well as the Catholic Church, an institution with arguably as much or more Jewish blood on its hands as Adolph Hitler, casting Israel as genocidal, racist, colonizers. Apparently, the idiom, “people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones” does not apply to the antisemite, who cares not to know or understand the history of the conflict. As Jews - We need to move on from our weak “diasporic,” “shtetel” mindset, where we view ourselves through the eyes of Jew haters. We need to embrace our noble religious and intellectual heritage, that has made us the greatest minority that has ever existed. We need to support Israel with all our hearts and souls, for it is the one thing that makes “Never Again” a real possibility. Yes, we are hated and this may never change, but - We need to create a new model of Jewish Identity, where we understand that we can no longer be defined by weakness, and instead instill our future generations with pride as well as physical and psychological resilience, so we can guarantee our own future. Don’t be a weak Jew in the world, who thinks that love thy neighbor or liberal ideals will save us! In case you haven’t noticed, G-d has firmly put the responsibility on our shoulders, he expects us to do the work. Pray all you want, but prayer alone is not enough. PS. Heidegger, while a great philosopher was a Nazi, we cannot live in a Jewish vacuum. Live “Al Kiddush Hashem” to sanctify His holy Name! Michael Lazar Nelinson is a Jewish activist and a realist who loves The Jewish People