What would the most evil society ever created by humans be like? Such a society would outwardly display its depravity by elevating the most evil man in history to sainthood, perhaps by naming stores “Hitler” and making Mein Kampf a best-seller. Such a society would teach its children not to love life, but to love death, not to seek to make the world a better place, but that their only goal in life should be to wipe out an entire ethnicity. Such a society would welcome and cheer the deaths of tens of thousands of their own people if it meant they could kill a fraction of that number of innocents in a murderous frenzy. A society where death is the highest value, where genocide is the only goal to work towards, and where goodness itself is not allowed to exist. There could be nothing more evil than that. The murder of Shir, Ariel, and Kfir Bibas is just the latest proof that Gaza under Hamas is exactly such a society, the most evil society in human history. It was hardly a surprise when it was confirmed last week that the youngest hostages were killed. We hoped against hope that Hamas would put practicality and the fact that these innocent children were more valuable alive than dead above their bloodlust, even knowing that the October 7th massacre already proved that Hamas’ bloodlust outweighs its common sense by orders of magnitude. But the depth of the evil is still shocking. In the early days of the war, when Hamas was negotiating the first ceasefire of November 2023, the monsters who held the Bibas family captive could not restrain themselves for even two months and murdered a baby and a toddler before they could be released. They strangled a four-year-old boy and a ten-month-old baby with their bare hands. Who does that? Who could possibly be that evil as to use their bare hands to kill a baby who is not even old enough to start walking or talking? At every turn, Hamas has demonstrated its depravity. It wrote on the supposed coffin of Shiri Bibas that she was “arrested” when she was kidnapped from her home with her two small children for the “crime” of being born Jewish, the same crime that earned Ariel and Kfir the death sentence of the jihadists. It then returned the wrong body, continuing to hold Shiri’s body like a sick trophy. The keys it provided to unlock the coffins did not work, deliberately adding further insult to injury. And it mutilated the bodies of those beautiful children in a pathetic attempt to cover up its crimes and blame Israel for what it did. Kfir will never learn to walk or talk. He will never learn to sing the ABCs or the Aleph-Bet or even Baby Shark. He’ll never discover Elmo or Barney or Peppa Pig. He’ll never go to preschool. And all because a group of evil people think that Jewish babies like him do not deserve to live. Hitler is deified in Gaza, where a store became wildly successful thanks to being given the name “Hitler 2” by its Nazi-worshiping owner. In Hamastan, Hitler is in Gaza a prophet of a far greater level than Mohammed, Mein Kampf is a thousand times holier than the Koran, and death is their true god, to whom even Allah is but a mere servant. This evil is so widespread in Gaza that not a single person out of more than two million made a single attempt to help or free a single hostage. Unlike Europe in the 1940s, there were no righteous among the nations in Gaza. Not even the promise of five million dollars could compel a single Gazan to treat a single Jew as anything other than someone to be killed. The cause of Jihad is only different from the cause of Nazism in that it seeks Islamist supremacy rather than Aryan supremacy, but otherwise the two are nearly identical. Both seek to take over the entire world and impose a permanent global dictatorship. Both are inherently genocidal and seek the annihilation of the entire Jewish people wherever they are as well as all who others do not fit their narrow view of the “elect.” Israelis are far too used to this evil. In 1979, PLO terrorist Samir Kuntar invaded Nahariya from Lebanon and crushed the skull of four-year-old Einat Haran against a rock with a rifle, an attack which also resulted in the death of Einat’s two-year-old sister Yael. In 2001, a sniper deliberately shot 10-month-old Shalhevet Pass, the exact same age as Kfir Bibas when he was murdered, in the head while she sat in her stroller. In 2011, terrorists murdered five members of the Fogel family in their beds, stabbing parents Ehud and Ruth, 11-year-old Yoav, four-year-old Elad, and newborn Hadas. Those animals stabbed a 3-month-old baby to death in her crib. Those are just a handful of the far too many times beasts in human form killed babies and toddlers for the crime of being born Jews. The death-loving evil of Hamas is not new. It originated with Hitler and his pal, the Mufti of Jerusalem, who loved the concentration and death camps the Nazis built to slaughter Jews far more than he was capable of loving another living being. Yasser Arafat and his joke of a successor, Mahmoud Abbas, embodied the same evil and taught their people to worship death instead of Allah and seek to murder and destroy rather than to build and create. The global response to the worst evil imaginable has been disgusting. The more Jewish children, the more Jewish babies, that are murdered, the more global support for the baby-killers and would-be genociders grows. Marches in support of Hamas began on October 7th not in spite of the massacre committed that day, but because of the largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. Those who gather on college campuses like Columbia, on the streets of New York, London, and Sydney, do not support Hamas because they think there should be a Palestinian Arab state. They support Hamas because it kills babies. Those who shout the loudest about a nonexistent “genocide” want nothing more than to see a real genocide. They are exactly the same as people marching in support of Nazi Germany in 1945. They knowingly embrace evil and are evil themselves. This includes the United Nations and its representatives like Francesca Albanese, who never once tweeted about the Bibas children and who spent the day their bodies were returned trying to shore up support for Hamas in Spain. It includes so-called human rights NGOs like Amnesty International and the Red Cross, which knowingly and deliberately abandoned the innocent Jewish hostages to torture and death, just as the Red Cross abandoned millions of Jews to death during the Holocaust. They have decreed from on high that Jews do not have the right to live and Hamas has the right to take children hostage and murder them at its leisure. Evil of this nature and magnitude cannot be tolerated and cannot be allowed to continue to fester. It can only be fought and destroyed. When a society worships death as its god, when it is geared towards nothing but committing genocide against another people, when it raises children to do nothing but murder the children of others, that society must be defeated once and for all, just as the Nazis and Imperial Japan were defeated 80 years ago. Only when they are forced to give up their hate, their love of death and murder, as the Germans were forced to do when Hitler died, can the people who remain in Gaza have any kind of future. Only when evil is purged from Gaza can there be any hope of anything other than the death Hamas worships and loves so dearly. To allow Hamas to endure, to allow Jihadism, Islamism, and genocidal antisemitism to endure, guarantees more hate, more death, more destruction, more murdered men, women, and children, and yes, more murders of babies. End Hamas. End the dreams of its fellow death-lovers in the Ivy Leagues and the halls of the UN of another Holocaust. End the killings of Jewish babies. End the most evil society humanity has ever seen. Gary Willig is a veteran staff member of Arutz Sheva's news staff.