A controversy arose at the Ohel Shem High School in Ramat Gan after the school principal, Israel Viluzhny, suspended a student for putting on tefillin (phylacteries) on the school grounds. The incident, which was first reported on Kol Hai radio, escalated after hundreds of students at the prestigious school, which has about 1,400 students aged 14-18, collected money and jointly purchased a pair of tefillin to put on during breaks between classes. According to Orel Malik, a student who led the initiative, after the events of October 7, the students became eager to get closer to tradition and put on tefillin. For two months, the students collected small donations until they were able to purchase their first pair of tefillin. The project quickly became popular, with many students waiting in line to put on tefillin during breaks. Related articles: Hundreds of pairs of tefillin distributed to Israeli schools Deputy mayor tries to remove a tefillin stand, sparking outroar Thousands wrap tefillin in memory of the Bibas mother and sons 'Hide our Tefilin? What's wrong with us?' However, the school administration did not take the initiative kindly. The report cited testimony from a student who recounted teachers removing notices advertising the tefillin project throughout the school. When a ninth-grade student put on an additional pair of tefillin outside his classroom, he was suspended. The published footage shows a confrontation between the school principal and the students, with the principal claiming that tefillin was not allowed on school grounds. Following the confrontation, the project organizer was also summoned for a reprimand and warning. The Ramat Gan Municipality said in response to the report, "There is no prohibition on wearing tefillin at the Ohel Shem School. Quite the opposite is true: Last year, the school administration approved a student to set up a tefillin stand for widespread use during breaks, out of a desire to allow personal expression for students who are interested in doing so, and in contrast to what is customary in other cities." "Ohel Shem High School is committed to the values of pluralism and respecting the freedom of belief of its students - both those who want to wear tefillin and those who do not. "However, recently, another stand was set up without coordination and approval with the school administration, while ignoring administrators and the authority of the educational staff. As a result, it was decided to remove the stands at this stage until the investigation is complete. After the disciplinary investigation, the stand will be restored." Ramat Gan Mayor Carmel Shama-Hacohen said, "As long as I am the mayor of Ramat Gan, every student can bring tefillin to school and wear tefillin at school." "The video is partial and from one side. From experience, it's better not to rush to judgment without hearing both sides. I'm waiting for clarification from the Education Department and then I'll sort out the matter as long as there's still a dispute," he said.