An IDF investigation into the failure resulting in the attack of the Nahal Oz base on October 7th reveals that at the time of the attack, only one guard was stationed at the front gate. According to the investigation, Hamas collected accurate data about the base and attacked in three waves. The terrorists knew the location of each room and position; they even knew where the guards were supposed to be stationed and where they weren't. Hamas assumed that the timing of the attack should be on a religious holiday or weekend, because fewer forces remain on the base at those times. The night before the attack, Hamas gave the terrorists instructions on how to attack the base, and the squad commanders began preparing for the attack. One of the female lookouts who was released from captivity said that one of the terrorists told her: "I don't understand how you didn't detect our preparations on the day before the attack?" During the attack, there was only one guard at the base – positioned at the gate. Although there were double the number of IDF soldiers than terrorists, they lacked firepower and weapons. Related articles: 'I didn’t foresee the brutal attack' I saw the truth, so I couldn’t stay silent on antisemitism Bereaved families demand a public inquiry committee 120 Nukhba terrorists were heading for Be'er Sheva on 10/7 The investigation also shows that after the soldiers' retreated to the protective shelter, the terrorists were able to kill many more of them. The attack began at 6:45 AM and the rescue forces arrived only at 2:00 PM. The investigation also shows that at the time of the attack on Nahal Oz, there were 162 soldiers on the base, 90 of them were armed and 81 were combat soldiers. At 6:45 AM, the deputy battalion commander was wounded, and the terrorists began to infiltrate the post twenty minutes later. At 7:30 AM, the fighters were called in and waged a heroic battle. Ten minutes later, a company commander arrived in an IDF armored personnel carrier, and this was the first battle in which the IDF used military vehicles against the terrorists. At 7:50 AM, the IDF forces prepared for a counterattack, but at 8:20 AM, part of the force was ambushed and killed, thus thwarting the attack. The second wave of about fifty terrorists arrived around 09:00 AM, and did as they wished throughout the base. An hour later, a larger wave of one hundred terrorists arrived. When the third wave of terrorists arrived, soldiers were abducted from a tank and the lookouts were kidnapped. At noon, the operations room was burned, and only at 2:00 PM did rescue forces arrive to evacuate the wounded. The October Council Families Forum, representing more than 1,000 bereaved families, responded to the publication of the main points of the Nahal Oz investigation, saying: "The specific internal investigations into the October 7th massacre are only the tip of the iceberg, and do not constitute a substitute for a state commission of inquiry. Without the establishment of a state commission of inquiry that will investigate everything and everyone, both the political and military echelons, we will not be able to comprehend the full picture, draw lessons and prevent the next disaster." "We demand: Stop dragging the feet of the Israeli government, stop the humiliating and degrading treatment of the bereaved families and victims. After 508 days and nights, it's time for answers."