Rabbi Dr. Kenneth Brander is President and Rosh HaYeshiva of Ohr Torah Stone When I was a student at Yeshiva University, Rabbi Shlomo Riskin was honored at the annual RIETS (rabbinical school) dinner for his leadership as the founder of Ohr Torah Stone and the Israeli community of Efrat. In presenting the award, YU President Rabbi Norman Lamm praised Rabbi Riskin as a leader of the Jewish community, comparing him to none other than Moshe Rabbeinu. Upon accepting the award, Rabbi Riskin took to the stage, and with his characteristic smile remarked to Rabbi Lamm that he was not entirely like Moshe Rabbeinu who, when collecting funds for the construction of the Mishkan (Tabernacle), was able to declare that he had enough funds. “I have never been able to achieve that feat,” Rabbi Riskin remarked. This topic of funds is addressed in this week’s portion, Terumah, as well as in the special maftir reading for Shabbat Shekalim, and in the Haftarah. From these, we learn that there is more than one way to give. At times we structure public collections at a flat rate, like the giving of the half-shekel, whose funds were directed towards the Trumat haLishka, responsible for Temple daily maintenance and purchase of animals, wine and the omer and loaves used for sacrifices, as well as the upkeep of the city (Shekalim 4:1). In this way, these public necessities were supported through the collective efforts of the entire community, with each individual taking part in their maintenance and each individual benefiting from equal representation. While each half-shekel on its own had limited impact, the combined contributions of the Jewish people ensured the sustainability of these communal institutions, granting everyone an equal share. Furthermore, enabling both the rich and the poor to give equally shows our interdependence as a people and reinforces the message that everyone has a role in making a difference. And yet, there are moments when we ask individuals to open up their hearts, and to give as they are able. We see this in our Parsha, regarding the construction of the Mishkan, and in the Haftarah which describes the necessary capital repairs for the Beit HaMikdash (Temple). These texts inspire us to invite everyone to consider their personal connection to the cause at hand and to demonstrate their commitment by giving in accordance with their means. This form of philanthropic giving serves two functions. First, it is often a more effective mechanism for raising significant funds than the tax model of the half-shekel. But there is something more significant. Philanthropy not only leaves a mark on the beneficiary, it also transforms the benefactor. Donating to a cause is an active and meaningful demonstration of affiliation and commitment. It’s the way we solidify for ourselves, and pass on to our children, what matters to us most. As Ben J. Genet, a renowned Jewish American philanthropist and entrepreneur develops in his forthcoming book, A Virtuous Cycle, the act of giving has been demonstrated to increase feelings of optimism and satisfaction. Generosity leads to a deeper appreciation of everything around us, from our families to our professional accomplishments, ultimately creating positive momentum in all aspects of life. I find it profoundly moving to watch how much the international Jewish community, affiliated and those we previously thought were “assimilated” have done to support Israel, both financially and through volunteering their time and skills. . For the North American Jewish community, through JFNA, to raise a billion dollars in a matter of weeks after Oct. 7– and for solidarity missions spanning all sectors of the Jewish world to come join us at such difficult moments in Israel– was both physically and emotionally sustaining. As always, Shabbat Shkalim, with its focus on giving, falls just as the month of Adar is about to begin. Collections will soon be underway for Matanot La-evyonim and Kimcha d’Pischa, the annual fundraising campaigns observed throughout the Jewish world to make sure that every Jewish family has the necessary provisions to take part in the festivities of Purim and Pesach. This is the perfect time for each of us to reflect on our own giving habits, considering when, how, and to whom we give, what we have received, and the motivations that inspire us. Let this Shabbat Shekalim be a moment for introspection and discussion with our spouses, our children and our friends, about what giving looks like for each of us, so we can receive and offer inspiration in this most important act that allows us to transform the world around us.