The majority of Israelis (58%) believe that the government’s main motive in promoting the draft law for haredim is the survival of the coalition, according to a survey conducted by the Jewish People Policy Institute (JPPI). Only 12% of respondents stated that the main motive is addressing security needs. 11% believe that the government’s motive is the upholding of a Supreme Court ruling regarding the recruitment of haredim into the IDF, while 8% think that it is to regulate the unequal sharing of the security burden. Among the Jewish population alone, the percentage of those who believe that the main motive is coalition survival is even higher – 63%. Haredi Knesset members recently declared that "if there is no law" that exempts the majority of haredim from the draft, "there will be no government." Almost half of all Israelis in the sample (46%) stated that they are against the government, and the ultimatum therefore does not concern them. Seventeen percent responded that they support the government, but if maintaining the government requires exempting most haredim from service, they prefer that the government disperse. Sixteen percent responded that they support the government and it is important for them to maintain it, even if the price is a law that exempts most haredim from conscription, and 9% responded that they anyway support an exemption from drafting for all haredim. About one third of Likud and Religious Zionism voters (31%) in the 2022 elections responded that they are in favor of the government, but if maintaining it requires exempting most haredim from conscription – they prefer that the government disperse. CEO of the Institute for Jewish People Policy, Dr. Shuki Friedman, stated that "if we continue to demand hundreds of reserve duty days from those who will have to bear the burden for another year, the reserve system will collapse." "Without the haredi draft, we will not be able to defend the State of Israel. The formula proposed by the Minister of Defense for haredi conscription is the same one that has failed over twenty-five years of trying. Very few haredim have enlisted throughout these years." He added: "Just as no tax is levied on a specific community, a draft obligation is not imposed on a specific community. Conscription is a personal obligation on each and every individual, and the state must legislate a law that requires every haredi to enlist and impose economic sanctions on those who do not."