A new survey conducted by the Ministry of Health in collaboration with the haredi Institute for Policy Research reveals disturbing data on the extent of smoking in the haredi sector. According to the findings, smoking rates among haredi youth are up to four times higher than in the general society. The survey, the first of its kind conducted in the haredi sector, found that 54% of students in haredi high schools and 80% of haredi high school dropouts have tried smoking. This is in contrast to only 13%-23% among the youth in schools in the general population. The data is particularly alarming among yeshiva students: 77% of youth aged 17-24 studying in yeshivas have tried smoking, and 56% of them smoke regularly. For comparison, only 22.4% of all recruits to the IDF reported that they smoke actively. Dr. Sharon Elroi Preiss, head of public health services at the Ministry of Health, commented: "The experience with smoking among youth in the haredi society is four times higher than in the general Jewish sector. These are very alarming findings, a wake-up call for all of us." Related articles: 30% say disperse government, but don't exempt haredim 'Criticism is acceptable, but you need to choose your words' Haredi minister votes against funds for his community Haredim block main road after arrest of non-haredi draft dodger "To make a change, joint efforts from all of us will be required - the Ministries of Health and Education, the haredi society, local authorities, and more," Dr. Sharon added. The survey also found that 57% of haredi youth aged 12-18 reported that they smoke in their surroundings and in their presence every day, indicating significant exposure to smoking. Nevertheless, 50% of smokers in haredi high schools and 31% of high school dropouts expressed a desire to quit smoking.