Two contractor workers were caught smuggling cell phones into the Tel Nof IDF airbase, reporter Avishai Greenzeig reported. According to the report, after they were caught and when the phones were examined, content supporting Hamas and ISIS was found on them. The IDF said, "Yesterday (Tuesday) two contractor workers tried to smuggle phones illegally into the Tel Nof base. Contractor workers are required to deposit their personal phones before entering the base and their entry is secured by security forces throughout their stay." After an inspection, it was found that the workers had illegally removed phones, as a result of which their work was stopped, they were immediately removed from the base area and transferred to security forces for processing. No information was leaked following the incident. The IDF stated, "Yesterday (Tuesday) two contractor workers tried to smuggle phones illegally into the Tel Nof base. Contract workers are required to deposit their personal phones before entering the base and their entry is secured by security forces throughout their stay." "After an inspection, it was found that the workers had illegally concealed phones, as a result of which their work was stopped, they were immediately removed from the base area and transferred to security forces for processing. No information was leaked following the incident," the military stated.