The ISA and Israel Police thwarted a ramming attack planned against IDF soldiers. Jihad Zariqat, a Hamas-affilaited terrorist and a resident of Kafr Kanna, was arrested in February on suspicion of involvement in security crimes. During his arrest, Zariqat was found to possess a will, Hamas books with guidelines for carrying out attacks, and additional nationalist materials. The investigation revealed that Zariqat had decided to carry out a ramming attack targeting IDF soldiers and had even tried to carry out his plan. Related articles: Shooting attack in Jerusalem on Ramadan foiled Terrorist who planned attack on synagogue eliminated 'Plan to attack Jewish towns not secret, taking place every day' Defense Minister: We confiscated Hamas 'attack portfolios' On Thursday, upon completion of the investigation, the Northern District Prosecutor's Office is expected to file an indictment. The ISA and Israel Police stressed that they "take very seriously the involvement of Israeli citizens in activities which endanger the State's security and that of its citizens, and will continue to act to fully bring to justice those involved in these activities."