
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu published a video on Thursday addressing the Iranian people in honor of the Persian New Year, Nowruz.

"Spring is approaching, and so is the Persian New Year. I would like to wish the Iranian people and Persians everywhere a Happy Nowruz. I wish you health, happiness, prosperity, and most of all - I wish you freedom," the Prime Minister opened.

"I wish that this Nowruz will serve as a new beginning – A new beginning that overcomes all the hurdles and all the barriers that you have faced for too long," he continued.

"May this be a year of ‘Servat’ – Prosperity. Prosperity when you the people of Iran can finally enjoy Iran’s rich natural resources, those resources that have been so long denied to you by an oppressive regime. A year in which the rial will have real value. A year of Amniat - Security. Spiritual, economic and physical security. A year of Doosti - Friendship. Friendship with those who have your best interests at heart, and that includes my country Israel. A year of Omid – Hope: Hope and optimism that lead to liberty. A year of Iman – Faith: Faith that you can have a better life. A year of Azadi – Freedom: Real freedom. Freedom from oppression, freedom from want, freedom to live, freedom to choose," Netanyahu concluded.