This week’s Parshah, Parshat Vayakhel, contains the final instructions and layout of the Mishkan\tabernacle, that would eventually serve as the prototype of the Beit Hamikdash. As an introduction to the Parshah the Possuk states [Vayakhel 35’ 1’-3’]: “...Moses then convoked the whole Israelite community and said to them: These are the things that Hashem has commanded you to do: On six days work may be done, but on the seventh day you shall have a sabbath of complete rest, holy to Hashem; whoever does any work on it shall be put to death. You shall kindle no fire throughout your settlements on the sabbath day…” Rashi explains that one would think that the holiness of Shabbat would be superseded by the sanctity of the Mishkan, and, hence, the Jews would be able to continue the construction of the Mishkan on Shabbat. Therefore, the Torah, as an introduction to the construction of the Mishkan, reiterates the command to keep the Shabbat. The implication of this lesson is quite poignant; more than just stating dry Halachic fact, the Torah is also communicating the value and meaning of observing the Shabbat. This can offer comfort and solace to our people, as although we currently are lacking the Beit Hamikdash, we still have the beauty and joy of Shabbat to invigorate our souls. There is a well known injunction in the Talmud [see Kiddushin 31A] “Gadol HaMetzuveh Ve’oseh”--which translates as, “greater is the one that fulfills the commandments out of obligation”. The commentaries [Tos. ad. loc.] explain, that if one feels obligated to perform the Mitzvot, that will ensure consistency and an adherence to the Torah. However, if one keeps the Mitzvot without a sense of responsibility, then the moment the whim comes to avoid following the Torah’s obligations, such an individual is liable to drop their observance without much thought. With this in mind, there is a rather astonishing Midrash [Devarim Rabbah 1] that states that Moshe Rabbeinu desired that the Shabbat be kept as if there was no command, and that the Jews would just observe the day as a sign of love from Hashem, not as an obligation. How can this be squared with the principle of “Greater is the one who fulfills the commandments out of obligation?” It would seem, that the ideas of responsibility and obligation in Mitzvot are not applicable to Shabbat–as since Shabbat, when done properly, is a day of bliss and enjoyment–above and beyond the Holiness of the Beit Hamikdash–such a day should not require a sense of obligation in order to maintain adherence. The wonderful and joyous nature of Shabbat is something that we should feel is a privilege, not a burden, especially in today’s technology and frantic world. Dedicated in memory of all those who have perished and sacrificed for Am Yisrael. Have a Great Shabbas.