Prof. Danny Orbach of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem caused a storm in the Kan News studio when he stated that he does not accept Maj. Gen. (res.) Eyal Ben-Reuven’s claim that those serving in the IDF are the majority at anti-government demonstrations. "I’m am greatly infuriated by this statement, because there are many people who serve in the IDF and have sacrificed themselves, not only from the Religious Zionism sector, but also from the secular public, who disagree with Eyal Ben-Reuven. Those who serve are on both sides of the political map." One of the participants asked: "Is the majority of the serving sector in the coalition?" to which Orbach replied with a question: "the Religious Zionism doesn't serve?" The participant claimed that "a large part of the Right is on the streets with Eyal Ben-Reuven." Another panelist gave examples of Knesset members in the Religious Zionist party who did not serve in the IDF or who did a shortened service. "Forget the Knesset members, I'm talking about the general public. We are not criminals. We don't want to kill the hostages, but we believe that a deal will put Israel's security at risk and we support the continuation of fighting. I support the security of the state," Orbach replied.