Yair Nimni was always working on himself. He and his wife Sara Tova were Baalei Teshuva, who worked hard to raise ten children with happiness and love. That’s what made it all that much more tragic when it all came falling apart in just sixty seconds. It was in the middle of the Shabbat morning lunch when Yair, at just 47 years old, suddenly collapsed at the table in front of the horrified eyes of his entire family. No one had seen it coming. In those few tragic seconds, Yair passed away. CLICK HERE TO DONATE Then, those who came to comfort the family were in for another shock when they stepped through the Nimni family’s door. They saw that the Nimnis didn’t even own closets to store their clothes, and their couches were ripped and torn. It became clear that even before Yair died, the Nimni family was already in a desperate situation. Sara Tova Nimni is now a widow. If she was struggling to feed her children before her husband’s sudden death, now she is desperate. An emergency fund has been opened to help Mrs. Nimni feed her ten children, and for therapy to help them process the trauma. Though no amount of financial help will erase their pain, donations will give them the financial stability that they need to survive. CLICK HERE TO DONATE