Sara Rosenzweig began to experience stomach pains over three years ago. Initially, she found relief with over-the-counter painkillers, but over time the pain became more severe and spread to her entire body. The pain often drove her to the emergency room, where staff testified in her medical records that she arrived screaming in pain. However, the doctors were mystified and the cause of her pain remained elusive. Sara became completely incapacitated and needed assistance and a wheelchair to move about. Finally, in March of 2022, Mrs. Rosenzweig was diagnosed with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). Often referred to as the “suicide disease,” CRPS is a condition associated with the malfunction of the nervous system, causing pain so severe that those affected often consider ending their own lives. Help heal Sara’s rare disease >>> Sara has only one hope for a functioning, pain-free future: specialized treatment at the Spero Clinic in Fayetteville, Arkansas. She knows just how effective the electrical stimulation therapy at the clinic can be from personal experience: after 6 months of life-changing treatments earlier this year, this young mother was able to stand on her own two feet - at the cost of $200,000. However, Sara returned to Israel without having completed the entire recommended course of treatment for lack of funds, with her savings exhausted. Now, she must finish the electrical stimulation therapy to live a life without debilitating pain. This specialized treatment and related expenses are extremely costly — an additional $100,000! Sara needs at least three more months of treatment to rid her of the burning chronic pain that has taken over her life! Help heal Sara’s rare disease >>>