Unfortunately, the history books are filled with stories addressing failed peace agreements which resulted in major setbacks to the involved nations.
The classic example is the peace agreement between Nazi Germany and the British Prime Minister Chamberlain, who showed his people the document of “Peace in Our Times” which was signed by Hitler and encouraged Hitler to advance his expansionist dreams, which resulted in World War II.
The failure of the Oslo Accords was another important example of a failed attempt to reach a peace agreement. One of the most important reasons for the failure of the accords was the lack of education for peace and reconciliation in the Arab schools and in the media.
This serious problem was enacted by design. When the leader of the PLO Yasser Arafat was asked by his people, why did he agree to proceed with a track towards a peace agreement with the state of Israel in 1993, he responded by referring to the deceptive actions of the Prophet Muhammad as they were related to his presumed peace agreement with the tribe of the Quraysh in Mecca, which was called the Treaty of al-Hudaybiya. Once Muhammad felt strong enough, the treaty was violated, he killed the Jews in the city of Kaybar and he ended up expanding his control on multiple tribes in the region.
As Israel is dealing with the terrorist organizations of Hamas in the Gaza strip and with Hezbollah in Lebanon, it is very clear, that these terrorist organizations have no intention to advance the situation toward a peaceful resolution of the conflict. This is in line with their hope to implement an imposed world domination, by which they will be able to force their religious ideology on everyone across the globe.
The fact that Hamas is a part of the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood, and Hezbollah is a part of the axis of evil, which is led by the Shiite Iran, do not fight each other at this time, is related to the fact that they are fighting a common enemy composed of the state of Israel and the Western society led by the USA.
The fact that the head of this terror snake, Iran, is behind much of the unrest in the Middle East and elsewhere, is a major part of the ongoing problems, which includes the stubbornness of Hamas not to release the Israeli hostages, despite the international pressure on them to do so. Hamas is also hoping to hold on to the hostages as a safety net, to ensure their own survival, and their own hope to rebuild their forces. They stated repeatedly that they would try to challenge Israel again and again, until their successful annihilation of the state of Israel. Just before the very recent military escalation in Gaza, there were intelligence reports that Hamas intended to attack Israel, to get even more hostages.
In addition, there were recent serious terror attacks by the controlling new leaders of the Sunni Syrian forces on the Shiite Alawites and the Christian citizens in Western Syria, where there were reports of more than 20,000 dead victims. At the same time, there is ongoing serious unrest in Turkey against Erdogan and his supporters, because they jailed their opposition leader. Turkey seems to have major nefarious intentions to expand its control and influence, over the neighboring countries, including on the Kurds, on Syria, and on Israel.
At the same time, Egypt is building its military in the Sinai Peninsula and establishing a major local force that goes way beyond the terms of the 1979 peace agreement with Israel. This is a very troubling situation especially because, despite the peace agreement with Israel, Egypt did not change its educational system to teach peace and reconciliation with Israel, despite playing an important role in the new peace negotiations between Hamas and Israel.
This lack of proper education for peace is true also for the kingdom of Jordan.
Therefore, it is imperative that the state of Israel and the responsible leaders of the free world should insist upon the following:
1. Hamas must release immediately all the hostages from Gaza.
2. Hamas must be disarmed and removed from controlling Gaza, as it will lower the chances of Hamas trying to rebuild its forces, kidnap more Israelis, and initiate terror activities in Israel and across the globe.
3. Gaza must be demilitarized as to give a chance to the locals to rebuild their lives in a peaceful environment, where peace is promoted in the schools and in the media.
4. Serious effort must be made to educate the young and the adult population, for peace and reconciliation, across the entire Middle East.
5. International pressure must be placed on Iran to stop its race towards building atomic bombs and to stop its support for terror organizations across the globe.
6. A serious pressure must be placed on Erdogan in Turkey, to stop his race towards dictatorship and regional domination, as it will help advance peace in the region.
7. Egypt and Jordan must be encouraged to start educating their population for peaceful coexistence with Israel and to reduce their military buildup in the Sinai Peninsula, and in the East Bank of the Jordan River, to reduce the chances of military confrontation with Israel.
8. If the people in the region move towards better neighborly relations, Russia and China will hopefully dial down their level of involvement in the region, which will benefit everyone.
9. Once the instigators of the terrorist activity from Iran and from elsewhere, will be under control, even the Houthis will probably decide that it is not in their interest to interrupt the international navigation in the Red Sea and the Suez Canal, especially as they must deal with severe military actions by the USA and other allies.
Hopefully, wisdom will prevail, and we will be able to build a better future for everyone.