The government has submitted its reply to the requests for an interim ruling on the petitions against the dismissal of the ISA Director Ronen Bar. In the reply, which was submitted through Adv. Zion Amir, the government claimed that the authority to end the ISA Director's term is provided to it by law and the decision was made unanimously. "The government's responsibility for the ISA is part of its responsibility for state security. Therefore, the issue is not judicable," the response claims. It further claims that the main victim of the decision, the ISA Director himself, chose not to appear before the cabinet and present his claims, and did not even petition the Supreme Court. The government's claims are based on the ruling in "Fuchs v. Attorney General (Mandelblit)," according to which the court can not discuss a public petition in a case where the personal, direct, and clear victim chose not to petition the Supreme Court. In addition, the government quotes then-Deputy Attorney General Menachem Mazuz during the legislation process of the Israel Security Agency Law, who stated: "The agency director can not serve if he does not have the trust of the government." According to the government, the Prime Minister and the government can not be forced to continue working with an ISA director who does not have their trust. Related articles: If government doesn't obey Supreme Court, everything will end Who will lead the ISA after Ronen Bar? 'Enough interference in government decisions' Supreme Court rejects A-G's position on ISA candidates The government rejects the claims that the investigations into Prime Minister's Office staffers' connections with Qatar were connected to the dismissal, and insists that the chronological order of things proves otherwise. It also claims that the Prime Minister is not suspected of any crime and is not in a conflict of interest. The response concludes that Director Bar's letter to the government, in which he admitted that he does not trust those above him and voiced false accusations against them, is in fact a letter of resignation.