An exciting and special Shabbat took place for the children of Chabad emissaries around the world, as part of a special initiative by the MyShliach organization, which operates under Center 302 from the 'Center for Educational Affairs', the global outreach organization of Chabad. 110 regional gatherings were held simultaneously around the world, with local emissaries opening their homes warmly and joyfully to the children from the area. Together with their councilors, the children – who sometimes grow up in remote locations – experienced a Shabbat full of connection, friendship, and renewal. The celebrations were held in diverse countries, including but not limited to: Canada, Thailand, Hungary, Austria, Germany, Israel, Poland, the United States, Russia, Ukraine, and many other destinations around the globe. The pictures of the celebrations tell a story of unity around the globe: In New York, children gathered around a Shabbat table. In Miami, a group of children sang tunes with a guitar under the open sky, and in Australia, children sat captivated as a told them Hasidic stories from the Lubvitcher Rebbe. The MyShliach initiative, which supports emissaries' children throughout the year with educational programs and assistance, stands behind this unique project, which provides personal and special attention to emissaries children. “These celebrations are not just a gathering – they are an opportunity for emissaries' children to feel the warmth of home, connect with friends who share the same life of outreach, and receive the strength to continue their path,” said the project's chairman, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Kotlarsky.