
German Central Council Of Jews

News and updates about German Central Council Of Jews

Germany boosts funding to main Jewish organization by 70%

Central Council of Jews in Germany, to receive 22 million Euros annually to fund the new Jewish Academy in Frankfurt.

Germany boosts funding to main Jewish organization by 70%

60 Jewish orgs urge German voters not to choose far right party

Appeal by Jewish groups calls on voters not to vote for AfD party over its "radical and anti-religious" positions.

60 Jewish orgs urge German voters not to choose far right party

Can German Jews ever be part of the "homeland"?

Can German Jews ever be  part of the "homeland"?

After the Anusim, the Eurosim?

After the Anusim, the Eurosim?

Victim of Nazi Art Trove Case: Germany's Handling 'Scandalous'

AFP interview reveals human side of Nazi art trove story, which continues to unravel as Germany refuses to return all the looted works.

Victim of Nazi Art Trove Case: Germany's Handling 'Scandalous'

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