Korach: The rebellion of the tzaddikim
Korach's challenge to Moshe sounds almost like an anarchist’s protest against any form of authority, he was no common rabble rouser.:
Rebellion and Destruction
Korach's challenge to Moshe sounds almost like an anarchist’s protest against any form of authority, he was no common rabble rouser.:
Join Dr. Hagai Ben-Artzi for the final episode of our special series 'Rebellion and Destruction'
In our special series 'Rebellion and Destruction,' Dr. Hagi Ben-Artzi continues his journey to uncover the nation's history.
In our special series 'Rebellion and Destruction,' Dr. Hagi Ben-Artzi continues his journey to uncover the nation's history.
In our special series 'Rebellion and Destruction,' Dr. Hagi Ben-Artzi continues his journey to uncover the nation's history.
In our special series 'Rebellion and Destruction,' Dr. Hagi Ben-Artzi continues his voyage to discover the nation's history.
Dr. Hagi Ben-Artzi continues his voyage to the history of the nation in our special series: Rebellion and Destruction.
Dr. Hagi Ben-Artzi continues his voyage to the history of the nation in our special series: Rebellion and Destruction.
We visit Jerusalem, Caesarea and the Galilee on the voyage of Israel's history in our special series: Rebellion and Destruction.
Dr. Hagi Ben-Artzi continues his voyage to the history of the nation in our special series: Rebellion and Destruction.
Watch the first episode in the special Arutz Sheva series chronicling the Jewish nation's heroic fight against Roman oppression.