A report that Eliezer Marom, who was head of the Israel Navy in 2010, was detained in London, were incorrect, Marom said Monday night.
According to reports Monday afternoon, Marom, who directed the Israeli Navy's actions against the 2010 Gaza flotilla, had been arrested upon landing in London. Speaking to Israeli media Monday night, Marom said that he was not arrested or detained, but that he was asked several questions by immigration authorities and then was allowed to proceed.
Laws in the UK allow for the arrest and trial of anyone accused of “war crimes.” Several Israeli officials, including Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon, have changed travel plans to avoid the UK in order to avoid being detained by British police.
As the head of the Israel Navy unit that boarded the Mavi Marmara, Marom is seen by leftist and anti-Israel groups throughout Europe as a “war criminal.” Nine Hamas supporters died on the Marmara, as they attempted to murder IDF soldiers who had boarded the ships.
Speaking Monday night, Marom said that immigration officials likely “took an interest in me because of my background in the navy,” he said.