"I keep setting one too many plates at the table. I keep waiting to hear his voice. But he’s not coming home. And I don’t know how to make Passover, how to live without him."
For 86 women in Israel, this will be their first Passover as widows. Their husbands were killed in battle while defending Israel. And instead of preparing for the holiday with joy, these women are overwhelmed with grief, loneliness, and financial despair.
Many of these families have lost not just their father, but their provider. The expenses of Passover—matzah, wine, food, clothing if needed—are more than they can handle alone.
That’s why Shomrei Yisroel is stepping in—to ensure that not a single one of these widows has to struggle to put food on the table this Passover.
We can’t bring their husbands back. But we can make sure that when they sit at the Seder table, they at least have a dignified holiday.
Help a widow feed her children this Pesach.