Map of the zones which will be locked down (in Hebrew)
Map of the zones which will be locked down (in Hebrew)City of Jerusalem

The Ministerial Committee for the Definition of a "Restricted Area" on Saturday night approved a lockdown on neighborhoods in four boroughs in Jerusalem in which the morbidity rate is higher than the average in the country.

The closure will take effect Sunday at noon and will be in effect until Wednesday morning.

Zone 1 covers northeast Jerusalem, Zone 2 covers northwest Jerusalem, Zone 3 covers southwest Jerusalem, and Zone 5 covers most of the city center.

Among the neighborhoods on which restrictions will be imposed: Neve Ya'akov, Romema, Ramat Shlomo, Ramat Alon, Har Nof, Givat Shaul, the Bukharim quarter, Mekor Baruch, Givat Mordechai, Geula and Mea Shearim.

Each of the zones will be subject to the restrictions set out in Rule 3 of the Emergency Regulations (restricted area) and exit will be permitted from the zone for work, essential medical care, funeral of a family member, transfer of a minor between divorced parents, legal process and any other essential need subject to the approval of the National Emergency Authority.