Torah scroll
Torah scrolliStock

A Bronx judge on Sunday night reversed a previous decision to hold the Riverdale, New York synagogue vandalism suspect on $20,000 bail. The original decision had gone contrary to the wishes of the local DA.

In the last two weeks, four Riverdale synagogues have been repeatedly vandalized, hit with rocks and defaced. In one instance, prayer books were covered in hand sanitizer and thrown into a nearby forest.

Just hours after being held on bail on 42 charges, the alleged vandal, 29-year old Jordan Burnette, was given supervised release by Judge Tara Collins in Bronx Criminal Court, reported the New York Post.

Under New York State’s new bail reform laws, a suspect facing the charges Burnette was arrested for, cannot be held on bail.

In the suspect’s previous hearing on Sunday, Judge Louis Nock had ruled that Burnette be held on $20,000 bail, provoking the ire of the DA who insisted he be released under bail reform rules, citing the fact that under the new definition of the law, hate crimes are no longer eligible for bail.

Nock said in his ruling that “shattering of glass” constituted a violent felony, allowing for the imposition of bail.

However, hours later, the suspect was called back into the second court session and released.