Over the last 16 months, tens of thousands of reservists left their busy personal lives to fight for all of Am Yisrael. All came home affected - most by memories, many by injury, and a precious handful as eternal sacrifices.
Their wives’ devotion to Am Yisrael is no less strong, and the women whose husbands were killed in action are living his sacrifice every day. They live each day with painful loneliness, and they live each day with the heavy financial and logistical burdens of single mothers.
Shomrei Yisrael is here for these women, and you can be too. With a list of an aching 86 war-widowed mother, Shomrei Yisrael is determined to care for each one. It’s the least we can do for the sacrifice they continue to have each day, for us.
Yael*, whose husband, Yoni*, was killed in action last March, says:
“Shomrei Yisrael has been a lifeline for me and my three children. It’s been impossible to make it to the end of the month without him, and my kids have not been themselves at all. They are excitedly looking forward to the Children's Events. Please join in!”
With a crowdfunding campaign running, Shomrei Yisrael is building an Essentials Fund, $10,000 for each woman to have what she needs, as she struggles to make ends meet on one income. The campaign is also for psychological and household help for these families, and events for the children.
These events build a community for the orphans, fostering support for one another.
Shomrei Yisrael asks everyone to donate: “A donation is easy compared to what they have done for us!
Fill this fundout of hakarat hatov and gratitude!