Heritage Minister Rabbi Amichai Eliyahu (Otzma Yehudit) refused to back down from his statement that senior officials in the defense establishment incited rebellion against the government among Israeli citizens.

"Refusal to serve is a rebellion," said Rabbi Eliyahu. "Giving permission to soldiers to demonstrate against a government is an encouragement to rebellion. Fighter pilots declaring their refusal to defend their country is mutiny. Active attempts to destroy the economy in combination with a massive delegitimization campaign against the Israeli government are also dangerous acts of rebellion which damage the State of Israel."

''It's hard to hear it, it's unpleasant. But irresponsible people brought us to this reality. Fortunately, this has a marginal impact, if at all. Most of the officers and soldiers I know will fight for this country without question. We need to strengthen them and we need to be proud of them,'' Eliyahu added.

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