Moshe Feiglin, head of the Jewish Leadership faction inside Likud, has come out swinging against media personality Glenn Beck following Beck’s visit to Israel this week and ahead of his August “Restoring Courage” event in Jerusalem.
Feiglin related that he had decided to turn down an invitation to a reception for Beck in eastern Jerusalem. Feiglin sees hidden motives behind Beck's decision to hold a large rally next to the southern side of the Mount:
"I must admit that when a friendly non-Jew starts to quote the Bible, I get a bit nervous. It is not just the long history of anti-Semitism that has developed a genetic mutation in the noses of Jews, giving them great sensitivity to anything that smells of Christianity - but also my own personal experience with avowed lovers of Israel and the settlers who took great pains to mask their Christian motives.
"As Glenn Beck is not in the process of conversion to Judaism, it is impossible to understand his quote from the Scroll of Ruth as meaning, "I am joining you." Apparently, the real meaning of his words is 'I am replacing you.'"