Terrorists on the Mavi Marmara
Terrorists on the Mavi MarmaraIsrael news photo: Flash 90

An Israel heavy metal band decides loving Turkey is not enough. They intend to take out Turkish citizenship.

The band calls itself “Orphaned Land” is one of Turkey’s favorites, according to the National Turk website.

Turkish-Israeli relations sank to new depths after the 2010 flotilla clash between IHH terrorists on the Mavi Marmara ship and Israeli Navy commandos trying to stop it from breaking the anti-terrorist maritime embargo on Hamas-controlled Gaza. Three commandos were kidnapped by the IHH passengers, who brutally assaulted the soldiers. The commandos eventually were able to regain control of the boat and overcome their attackers, nine of whom were killed.

Despite venomous anti-Israel feelings in Turkey, the band continued to be popular, even when it sang in Hebrew. .

Orphaned Land vocalist Kobi Farhi said in a 2010 concert in Istanbul, “The Mavi Marmara incident broke my heart so much; I cried for days.”

The band members' intentions to become Turkish citizens are serious.

Israeli Band Orphaned Land will give their next concert in Turkey as Turkish citizens. “Orphaned Land will perform in another concert in Turkey in September,” the band’s manager announced. “I hope the process will run properly and Orphaned Land will be in their second homeland, Turkey, as Turkish citizens for the next concert.”

Orphaned Land performs several times a year in Turkey. Many Arab countries do not allow Israeli musicians to enter, causing Arabs from Turkey’s neighboring countries to travel there for Orphaned Land performances.

“We’re always glad to return to Turkey, and not only are we not afraid – we feel at home there,” according to Fahri. “There are people there who sing with us in Hebrew and we don’t face any hostility in Turkey.”