At the Ein Gedi nature reserve searches continue for Shai Noam of the coastal city of Rehovot, who has been missing since Friday morning.
At first light on Saturday morning rescue team workers, as well as friends and family members, set out to search for Noam. Likewise an IAF helicopter joined the search from the air, together with a force from the IDF Oketz canine unit.
The strong current of the Arugot River due to the heavy rain from the snowstorm that began last Thursday night has made the search difficult.
Police have called on the public to aide in the efforts and noted that Noam was last seen in the Ein Gedi youth hostel on Friday at 5:30 a.m.
He has a full build, is 1.80 meters (around 5'11'') tall, has short brown hair and brown eyes.
Noam left his home on Thursday afternoon, and he was afterwards seen by public workers who were blocking roads due to sinkholes in the region from the incremental weather.
Around two hours after he was seen, Noam tried to contact his family but was unable to reach them.
Anyone with information regarding the missing man is asked to to contact the Arad police station at 08-9551222 or the police 100 emergency hotline.