
An Israeli activist was arrested on the Temple Mount Tuesday afternoon after he said a prayer in memory of three Israeli Jews murdered by an Arab terrorist in Halamish (Neve Tzuf) last Friday.

Rabbi Ari Abramowitz, a leader of the Land of Israel Network, was forced off the Temple Mount and detained after he led visitors to the holy site in the “Kaddish” prayer, traditionally recited in honor of the dead.

Yosef Salomon and his children Haya and Elad were murdered by an Arab terrorist Friday night as they prepared for a family celebration on the Sabbath following the birth of a new grandchild.

“We went up to the Temple Mount because it is the place God's presence is the most manifest on Earth,” said Abramowitz. “And it was there that we wanted to say Kaddish in the merit of the three holy souls brutally slain in Halamish this past Shabbat - Yossi, Chaya, and Elad.”

After he was detained by police, Abramowitz questioned Israel’s refusal to recognized Jewish religious rights on the Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism.

“Why aren't Jew's praying en mass on the Temple Mount? This is the greatest civil rights struggle of our generation.”

“The injustice and absurdity is overwhelming. The Arabs are literally murdering Israelis on the Temple Mount and they don't even get metal detectors, whereas a Jew is arrested for praying for peace among all mankind?”

“It is beyond me how anyone with even an ounce of courage and conviction is not up in arms about this travesty and injustice.”

Despite the arrest, Abramowitz said he was not discouraged.

“What's the fear? Getting arrested? Getting arrested here in Israel is a joke. In the future, having an arrest for this cause will be a badge of honor.”