Deputy Minister Abir Kara on Thursday submitted to the Central Elections Committee the slate of the new “Economic Freedom” Party which he is leading, and admitted that the question of “Bibi or no Bibi” is of less interest to him.
"The burden of the cost of living is unreasonable. We are presenting many solutions. We are different [than other parties] because the Knesset is full of lobbyists for the cost of living and members of the Knesset who are sent by pressure groups to hinder all the reforms that need to be promoted. The State of Israel is in 49th place in the economic freedom index, if we want to reach the top of the list, there are simple solutions that need to be implemented," Kara told Israel National News.
"We will sit in any government in which we can implement the economic policies we believe in. These elections are about our pockets, our lives. We have a great slate, with entrepreneurs, manufacturers, economic experts - and we are all coming to correct the situation," he added.
Kara chose not to leave the current government. "I am a right-winger who believes in the entire Land of Israel and wants sovereignty, but sometimes you have to make brave decisions that have a price."