On October 10, 2024 Yaron Drukman wrote inYnet News: "A Palestinian gang from Surif, near Hebron, was caught last week while plundering and damaging an underground archaeological site at Khirbet Umm er Rus near Beit Shemesh, the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) announced Thursday. IAA said the looters caused irreversible damage to the ancient remnants at the Second Temple period site, which features ancient buildings, water cisterns, and numerous underground chambers. Dr. Eitan Klein, deputy director of the IAA's anti-looting unit, said, 'I'm glad we managed to catch this gang and prevent further harm to Israel's historical heritage. We will not let them steal our history from under our feet.'"
On March 20, 2024 Arutz 7 reported "Palestinians rode an excavator over the archaeological site of Umm ar-Rehan, a historical site from the Talmudic and Mishnah periods, located on state lands in Area C, near Harish and Katzir in northern Samaria, flattening the ground of the historic site and built a parking lot on the site."
"Umm ar-Rehan is a settlement that has existed from the Mishnaic and Talmudic periods, and the Hellenistic, Byzantine and Roman periods, and was one of the largest in the area.
"Buildings made of hewn stones, a watchtower, and a mausoleum – a magnificent burial structure – were found at the site. This week, land scouts of the Samaria Regional Council came to the site and were shocked to discover that the site had been turned into a parking lot, while authorities were busy with the war.
"The destruction is documented in aerial photographs, which show that Palestinian residents left no trace of the heritage site that existed there only several weeks ago.
"This destruction follows the pattern of the Palestinian Authority's consistent demolition of the Altar of Joshua, the only remnant of the period of the Jewish people’s entry and settlement into the Land of Israel approximately 3,000 years ago, the destruction and theft of antiquities from the ancient Samaria National Park, the sole remnant of the ancient Kingdom of Israel, destruction of the Hasmonean fortress Tel Aroma, and other Jewish heritage sites throughout Judea and Samaria.
On July 12, 2024 Arutz 7 reported "Activists from the Fighting for Every Dunam Forum who arrived Friday morning at sunrise to pray the morning prayers at Joshua's Altar on Mount Ebal discovered that Palestinian Authority Arabs have once again damaged or removed several layers of stones from the altar...According to them, the destruction was carried out in two different places on the altar and some of its ancient stones were not only toppled to the ground but also broken into pieces..."
The criminal destruction of Jewish archaeology in Judea and Samaria is meant to systematically destroy all evidence of Jewish history in the region - in most cases with money and equipment provided by the EU. For the EU Jewish archaeology is a problem because it proves the Jewish connection to the land and goes against the false Palestinian Arab narrative that says Jews are colonizers and have no claim to the land.
On March 14, 2023 Arutz 7 reported "Arabs living in Judea and Samaria have been destroying ancient ruins in the area for years, but now, according to Jews monitoring the situation, the destruction is being taken to a new level, with archaeological remains wrecked and a road actually paved over them. The Samaria National Park in Sebastia has frequently been the target of nationalist vandals seeking to erase the site's Jewish history, which dates back millennia. Sebastia was once called Shomron (Samaria) and served as the capital city of the ancient Kingdom of Israel. Many ancient remains can be seen there, including pillars dating back to the First Temple period and a giant amphitheater from the days of King Herod in the Second Temple period.
"It is located just a few miles to the north-west of Shechem (Nablus), however, making it relatively difficult for Israelis to access and easy for local Arabs to reach. This week, members of the Shomrim Al Hanetzach (Protecting Eternity) organization, accompanied by local council members, were shocked to discover that heavy machinery had been moved there and a road paved right in the heart of the archaeological site, along a route extending from Area B a further 400 yards into Area C. In order to pave the road, a wall dating back to Herodian times was destroyed and burial caves dating back to the Second Temple period were smashed, looted, and obliterated..."
On January 12, 2016 Arutz 7 reported "The Regavim movement has spotted an illegal road being built by the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the middle of the Judean Desert with money transferred from the European Union. Regavim has filed a court case against the illegal construction with Israel's High Court of Justice. The PA completed several weeks ago preparations for the construction of a road which extends beyond its territory of control and into Gush Etzion, heading towards the Dead Sea. Regavim had notified Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) of the illegal building more than six months ago. ... The new road illegally cuts through the Judean Desert, and passes through areas that are under full Israeli control. It has received no permits from the Israeli government... Oved Arad, the head of the land division of Regavim said “If the Palestinians build the road with EU funding, it will allow them to gain control of large amounts of Israeli land in the Judean Desert, and annex it to their control.” ... Sources in Regavim added that “according to documents signed by the EU, they have instructed that the money being used to build the road, is intended for the Palestinian authority to 'gnaw away at' Area C and appropriate its land.”
On April 4, 2022 JNS reported " A report by Israel’s Intelligence Ministry sharply criticizes the European Union for funding the Palestinian Authority’s illegal “takeover” of areas that are recognized as being under Israeli sovereignty. First translated by Honest Reporting, the document details how foreign governments gave hundreds of millions of euros to Palestinian projects in Area C in Judea and Samaria. Such funding is contrary to international law and relevant agreements. Titled “The Palestinian Campaign for Area C: Shaping a Security Reality on the Ground, Description and Implications,” the report describes how the Palestinians use E.U. funds to build thousands of illegal structures and grab swaths of agricultural land. It was prepared in June 2021 but declassified and made public this year. Israeli intelligence claims that the E.U. also provides the P.A. with actionable and diplomatic support. The report states that the P.A. has received more than half a billion dollars to carry out “unilateral land seizure moves over the past eight years.”
On December 19, 2022 Arutz 7 reported "A document drafted by the European Commission in Eastern Jerusalem calls for helping the Palestinian Authority actively take control of land in Area C, which is supposed to be under full Israeli control under the Oslo Accords. A report by Channel 13 News revealed the document from which it appears that the EU will work to map land to prove Palestinian Arab rights there - without leaving traces of its activities. The document appears to point to the EU's use of left-wing organizations in Israel for this purpose. The EU also calls for "following and monitoring Israeli archaeological activity in the area" - on the grounds that it is being used as a pretext for settlement building in Judea and Samaria..."
The EU's call for "monitoring Israeli archaeological activity in the area" reveals that Jewish Archaeology is a problem for the EU because it proves the Jewish connection to the land and goes against the Palestinian narrative that says Jews are colonizers and have no claim to the land. Jewish Archaeology gives a Jews a legitimate claim to the land because it proves Jews are natives to the Area and were there thousands of years before Islam was created and the Arabs arrived.
Article IV of the Oslo Accords says "The Palestinian side shall protect and safeguard all archaeological sites, take all measures necessary to protect such sites and to prevent damage to them and take all precautions when carrying out activities, including maintenance and construction activities, which may affect such sites."
Palestinian Arabs are destroying Jewish Archaelogy in Sebastia in violation of the Oslo Accords. The Oslo Accords were sponsored by US President Bill Clinton and the EU and signed in the White House.
The EU, sponsors of the Oslo Accords, instead of calling Palestinian Arabs to respect the accords are helping the Palestinians violate the them. The EU report incites against Jewish archaeology and the Palestinian Arabs are destroying Jewish archaelogy with EU-funded road building equipment.
Do Europeans know that EU officials use their taxes to destroy Jewish archaeology? How would they feel if the archaeology in Roman Colisseum was destroyed?
Why does Israel allow entry of construction materials and equipment used to destroy Jewish Archaeology and for illegal Arab construction in Area C?
Watch this video by theisraelguys "The SECRET Takeover of the WEST BANK (Episode 2) Shocking footage". The video describes how Fayad's 2009 "creeping anexation" of Area C plan is being implemented today with EU's funding. There are now 80,000 new Arab buildings in Area C.
Whatch thei sraelguys video below:
Why are EU funded paving machines used to advance PA construction in British Police Junction area in Benjamin, build an Arab city in a nature reserve, pave new roads in Area C and destroy Jewish Archaelogy not being destroyed by the IDF ?
And now, while Israel is distracted in Lebanon and Gaza the Palestinian Arabs are destroying Jewish archaelogy and continue to build illegally in Area C of Judea and Samaria.
The Palestinians are building facts on the ground. What are we waiting for?
Ezequiel Doinyis author of “Obama’s assault on Jerusalem’s Western Wall” and “Jerusalem is the Spiritual capital of Judaism while Mecca is the Spiritual Capital of Islam”