President Trump visiting Kotel
President Trump visiting KotelFlash 90

Randy/Yisroel Settenbrino is the artist and developer of the Historic Blue Moon Hotel, The Sweet dreams Café and the Last Jewish Tenement Tours, His project was chosen by National Geographic as one of 150 in the Western Hemisphere. He writes on art, psychology, theology, and practical philosophy.He and his wife are also the proud parents of two IDF soldiers serving in Handasah Kravit.

Part I: Hamas thinks Trump is secretly Jewish

A senior Hamas leader voiced his suspicion that US President Donald Trump is secretly Jewish. Rumors aside, we all know there is ample evidence showing that former President Trump is in fact a Jew:

1.He hails from Jew-maica Queens

2. His father helped found a Brooklyn Synagogue

3. His daughter is an Orthodox Jewess

4. President Trump was photographed wearing a yarmulka while praying at the Western Wall

5. He was recently filmed chanting psalms at the Shrine of the Grand Rabbi of Lubavitch.

Ivanka Trump
Ivanka TrumpReuters

All of which pale when compared with how he is deliberately pursued as persona non-grata. What is more Jewish than that?

6. The Jew as a Pariah - Trump is also out of the Pale

Despite vast contributions in private and public life President Trump is held in contempt and targeted with malice : media blood libels, political pogroms and bogus prosecutions pursue him with a contempt usually reserved for scapegoating Jews.

"The Jews are not hated because they have evil qualities . Evil qualities are sought for in them because they are hated.” - Max Nordau

To the DNC, Trump is a medieval fictious perfidious Jew, trying to poison the well they drink from. They fear his tour de force, loathe his ability to be the ferment that splits the chemical chain of elites, media hacks and neurotics who write our laws. He lays bare their corruption beyond the capacity of a casual observer; his familiarity with the political game affords him the capacity to reveal media shenanigans and the double dealings of corrupt self-centered career politicians who are selling out America.

7.Media Treachery - they can't say a good word about Israel, nor about Trump

Lifetime democrat RFK Jr refers to the US media as the arm of the DNC. High EQ people know well politicians are duplicitous, and propaganda masquerades as journalism. The relationship between the DNC and the media is akin to the Soviet Politburo aka CC and Pravda and Russia Gate indicates the FBI interacts with the DNC akin to how the CC interacts with the KGB.

8. Trump Plots = Juden Haas

All the king’s horses and all the king’s men target Trump again and again. Open the net 24/7 and see anything and everything Trump says is twisted by the media and maliciously read into, with the express intention of malignment. Charlotteville and the ICA media comments were a shameless misrepresentation of the president’s intentions, in an effort to vilify him as a racist antisemite.

A President responsible for the lowest Black poverty and highest employment, who provided historic funding to Black Colleges, created the First Step Act with 90% Black recipients and a Second Step Act to help formerly incarcerated to gain employment.

Meanwhile, segregationist Biden expressed admiration for James Eastland and George Wallace, and cavalierly spat out divisive remarks, i.e. "put you all back in chains" and “If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black.”

8. Trump’s first term as president showed unprecedented support for American Jewry and Israel.

Congressional Jews and AIPAC accomplishments pale in comparison to Trump’s presidency. His commitment to Jewish continuity was that of a Jewish leader not a member of the Tribe. His executive order to broaden Chapter Vl of the Civil Rights Act combats anti-Semitic incidents in the US, including on college campuses, which not surprisingly went ignored by the Biden-Harris administration. President Trump provided an unparalleled number of ardently pro-Israel policies and pushed back on Israel’s enemies.

9.Trump's many accomplishments are ignored - like those of the Jews'.

The President’s pandemic recommendations of Ivermectin and HCQ , remedies which could have saved lives, were disregarded as horse medicine and quackery. NAFTA, NATO and tariffs were renegotiated, diminished the financial drain of an inordinate American burden, and put money in the coffers -- still he was ridiculed and no darn good; another good reason to suspect Trump is a Jew.

Projections from The Left

Follow The Money: The Jews have the name, but the Bidens play the game. According to the House Oversight Committee in their "The Bidens' Influence Peddling Timeline" while he was VP re taking millions from foreign entities:..

18/28/15 Romania paid 3M to Joe, his family rec'd 1.038M

3/1/17 China 3M to Joe's 'associate' and Biden family rec'd 1.065.692M, Hunter rec'd an 80k Diamond, over 8M more $ from China over the years,

4/22/14 Kazakhstan 142,309 plus a car to Hunter Ukraine - Paid Hunter 1M per year and 6.5M went to Biden Family

2/14/14 Russia paid 3.5M to Biden Family

Part II: Waging war against Trump

Collusion Confusion - charges against Obama were against Trump.

Caught on camera Obama pledged to Dmitry Medvedev to have "more flexibility" and urged "space"; considering Obamas’ history it was obviously a primetime collusion over a public spectacle of pathetic weakness. Charges that should have been leveled against Obama were directed at President Trump and the media trolls buzzed with the Russian Collusion ad nauseum and in the end the vicious hoax was dismissed by an exorbitant $32M Muller investigation.

- Mueller “did not merely reject the Trump-Russia conspiracy theories. He obliterated them.” Several of the media’s most breathless and hyped ‘bombshells’ were dismissed completely.” - Glenn Greenwald

Sarah Huckabee : President Trump “has been tougher on Russia in the first year than Obama was in eight years combined.” The media jumped to ridicule her statement, CNN ran a snarky fact-check: “He isn’t.” When in actuality, Obama’s 8-years of Russian appeasement led to the annexation of the Crimea.

Trump Mania is Costly

Smoke-and-mirror Stalinesque trials were waged like warfare to discredit and disenfranchise President Trump. Two Impeachments cost a total of $13.5 million, January 6 Committee $2.7 Billion, NYC Trials $2M, DOJ $35M+ additional millions spent on Ladies Night with Stormy Daniels and Eugene Caroll.

The Real Costs

No one was doing their job in the country: massive out of control spending , doubling up on illegal migrants, Ukraine and the Middle East on fire, China menacing the South Seas and worst of all the sand in the Iranian nuclear hourglass was running out.

Zero Credibility

A morally bankrupt DNC ruthlessly waged warfare to force verdicts in order to disenfranchise and plunder Trump into submission. People close to the President were targeted, his children, allies, and friends; NYC’s legendary prosecutor and Mayor Giuliani was relentlessly pursued and driven in to bankruptcy. Deep state waged social media warfare, effectively shutting down a sitting president’s voice while tyrants and despots, degenerates and racists were given a platform by Twitter and Facebook – while a President who loves the US more than money was gagged.

Part III The stuff of legend

Apparently, President Trump is a Jew shape shifter taking on whatever form is most detestable to the refined and an anathema to subversives. Despite collusive media and conniving political hacks his stride will not be impeded. Throw the books at him, attack his children, siphon his assets, make him a spectacle and a byword, and he keeps going with the strength and courage of a lion.

President Trump heroically holds his ground figuratively and literally taking a bullet again and again; yet, by the Grace of G-d, he miraculously steps solidly forward as if being propelled by the energy extended against him. The silenced and censored found a voice in Trump, living vicariously through his every move, and are now waiting for him to once again joust against tremendous opposition, fence the GOP establishment, slash the media propagandists & push back against an ever-increasing totalitarian DNC and arm Israel to take out Iranian nuke sites.

We the people, patriotic and G-d fearing have prayed for President Trump’s return as head of state. We have been humbled by our inability to overcome leftist manipulations, injustices, and dangers to our freedom. We understand that nothing happens arbitrarily, and the immorality and unscrupulousness of the establishment are also part of the process leading to the birth pangs of Messiah. We are prayerful for a Divine intervention from on high, to ease the process and protect President Trump, a brave and capable messenger who was placed here to defend all we hold dear. May all his undertakings be blessed to lead the US to a new era of peace, prosperity and the inherent unity of “E pluribus unum.”